Chapter Five, Swooping Owls and Where To find Them.

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Chapter Five, Swooping Owls and Where to find them. ✵

:・゚✧ *:・゚✧ *:・゚✧ *:・゚✧:・゚✧ *:・

The grounds were terribly wet and muddy from the previous night's storm, leaving quite a lot of students in foul moods as they made the trek to the Care of Magical Creatures class held at the edge of the forest.

Selena hopped into a puddle as the class formed a circle around Professor Rebus Hagrid, and a large box propped up on a table outside his hut. Some students said he shouldn't be allowed to teach, as his classes had a habit of landing certain students in the hospital wing.

Selena was one of the students who loved the class, she and Andy had been taking the course since their third year, and had learned a lot as they were taught by a few different professors.

As long as they did what they were told when it came to handling the creatures, it was not nearly as much likely for them to get hurt. Selena didn't see how that was hard, and she was beyond annoyed and furious when the year prior, third year Draco Malfoy had provoked a hippogriff named Buckbeak, resulting in Hagrid nearly being sacked and Buckbeak killed.

As the class began, Selena stood back to watch some of the students handle the creatures, wanting to make sure she knew how to properly handle them.

Today's lesson was on creatures Hagrid was currently breeding, Blast-Ended Skrewts, which were a cross between a Fire Crab and a Manticore.

Selena watched as Fred Weasley reached into the box the newly hatched Skrewts were in, Hagrid was busy speaking with Andy about how he came across the creatures, not realizing that Fred had decided to mess around a bit.

The Skrewts looked like pale, slimy deformed shell-less lobsters or scorpions, and Selena couldn't help but gag slightly at the stench of them. They smelled strongly of rotten fish, their legs sticking out at odd angles.

The things were about six inches long and Sparks flew out of their rear ends every so often, which propelled them forward a few inches.

Lee Jordan let out a high pitched scream as one of them suddenly came towards him, even though it was in the box with the others and couldn't get out, he ducked behind George who laughed, until of course, the Skrewt his brother held decided to try and suck his blood as it wiggled in Fred's grasp.

Hagrid had explained to them that the males had stingers and the females had suckers on their body to suck blood, meaning that the one Fred had, was a female.

Sparks shot from his rear, and Fred quickly dropped it in the box again.

Hagrid turned from where he was with Andy and a few other students, "you lot! Quit messin' 'round," his voice boomed as he walked over and peered into the box, making sure his creatures were alright.

Hagrid straightened, his large, beetle like eyes staring at the twins and Lee sternly. "You three, stick near me, an' don't try nothing."

The trios heads nodded quickly, and silently, they got back to the task on hand.

Shaking her head with a sigh, Selena walked over to where Andy was, and pulled out parchment and her quill and ink, then she began to take notes.

The rest of the class was uneventful, and after that Selena and Andy went back up to the castle, where they met up with Sandy, who had been at her Muggle Studies class.

The three then went to Transfiguration and then Potions.

It was now mid afternoon, and the three girls entered the Defense Against The Dark Arts classroom, sitting down at one if the desks with Sandy, Selena glanced up at the clock on the wall and groaned. They still had an hour until lunch, and then their next round of classes began.

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