Rapid Growing Secret

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( 5 months later)

Marinette's POV

Me and Adrien are now 19 and 21 our birthdays passed a while ago. My mom had the twins a month ago. Jason and Jasmine and they're the cutest. But me and Adrien have a problem. A huge secret not only do our parents not know we're together and married . But now they don't know that we're together and married and expecting someone in 5 months . Yes I'm pregnant four months to be exact and it's a boy and getting harder and harder to keep this secret with my stomach getting bigger. We're going to have to prepare ourselves to tell our parents soon. Lately I've been wearing bigger clothes because I want to hide my stomach. But I'm surprised they haven't gotten suspicious about me sleeping in Adrien's room every night or him in mine. There has been so many moments when they came so close to catching us. So me and Adrien are discussing it now. If they're not happy with it we need a plan.

Marinette: I think we should just tell them straight out at dinner get it out and straight to the point

Adrien: ok I agree if they don't like it we can run away together we have enough money since I model for you and you own now DC Agreste fashions

Marinette: yeah which he might take back

Adrien: but you've still made a lot of money that you earned

Marinette: true so dinner tonight

Adrien: yes tonight

( later tonight )

Me and Adrien came to the dinner table and sat down. Our parents looked at us. I took a deep breath and said what I had to say .

Marinette: I'm pregnant

My mom froze and Gabriel looked stunned .

Sabine: WHAT, by who, it better not be that cheating asshole tomato

Adrien: I got her pregnant

Marinette : me and Adrien are married and have been for 7 months

Now both of them were frozen and they were wide eyed. Me and Adrien were both super nervous about what they were going to say. Then they both started laughing and I mean they were rolling.

Sabine: you should have seen your faces

Gabriel: yeah hilarious

Adrien: w-what

Sabine: we knew for a while now just waiting for you to tell us

Gabriel: you didn't think we'd catch on we're your parents

Sabine: also I know when someone is pregnant and you guys always together and sleeping together and being close of course we were suspicious

Gabriel: all we needed was proof so we looked for rings which we found and we eavesdropped on one of your conversions about hiding it from us

Sabine: so you're about 4 months

Marinette: yeah and wow

Adrien: they knew and here we are trying to keep a secret

Marinette: so you aren't mad

Sabine: no you love who you love and it's not like you're really brother and sister so I don't have a problem with it

Gabriel: same here

Adrienette: awesome

We all then ate dinner happily and if you're wondering the twins are asleep.

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