I'd Be Lost Without My Blogger

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I'd just like to start by saying I have hardly a clue for what I'm doing on here and would greatly appreciate some friendly advice! I welcome all comments and suggestions and hope you enjoy! It's still a work in progress and I would also appreciate it if someone could message me about a better cover for this thing. ANYWHO I'm gonna stop talking cause I probably sound like an idiot.


Liz turned the volume up on her computer, despite Unkio's glares of disapproval. "Don't look at me like that,"she chided,"you know I hate to hear her rambling."

The fat tabby tossed its head and nimbly leaped from his perch on the windowsill as Liz idly scrolled through tumblr, bored out of her mind. Tom Hiddleston, Benedict Cumberbatch, David Tennant, and many other tumblr angels started back at her. Sighing, she snapped her life force closed and walked downstairs to the kitchen where her mother was still going on about her problems. Liz, work, today's society, Liz, her diet, and Liz were just a few of her favorite topics. Crap. RETREAT. RETREAT. " Liz have you heard a word I've been saying, your racket upstairs is so loud?" CRAP. I'VE BEEN SPOTTED.

"... you and all these kids running around with their 'Y.O.L.O.S' and 'slashtags' are just,"she caught sight of Liz's disheveled hair and grimaced,"and will you please run a brush through that mane of yours?" Liz scowled as she ducked behind her mother and grabbed a granola bar. "I'm having a few clients over tonight and I would appreciate it if you could..."

"Disappear?" Liz suggested hopefully. Liz's mom worked for a big housing company and took her job very seriously. More often than not though when her mom had 'clients' it meant that the buyer's had a son coincidentally enough that was Liz's age. Not so bad right? Wrong. All the boys her mom tried to set her up with were stuck-up, filthy rich, or both.

Her mom pursed her lips,"Freshen up a bit." Liz groaned, which was probably the incorrect response judging from her mother's facial expression."You are not going to be young forever! And you certainly can't live on that infernal laptop of yours, your whole life!"

"Not with you deciding my life for me,"Liz grumbled as she moseyed back upstairs, and logged onto tumblr with a dissatisfied expression,"Five followers and...following twenty-one,"she flopped onto her bed and flipped on A Scandal in Belgravia. She was just to the part where Sherlock tells John to punch him in the face when she got a text:

Clients over in 30 min. Be ready.

And a minute after that one:

Wear that cute new sweater you got!

Liz groaned as she rolled out of bed and dragged herself to the bathroom, where she turned on the shower and waited for it to heat up. What kind of guy would her mother bring around this time? Maybe it wasn't a blind date tonight though. Her mother did have actual clients occasionally. She checked the showers temperature before getting in, and when she was satisfied, hopped in. Liz knew she shouldn't spend too much time in the shower because she would still need to dry her hair, so she hurried washing and got out to dry off when she heard humming in her room. She froze and instinctively looked around for a weapon when she realized it was probably just her mom snooping around her room. Finding a dry towel and securing it she squeezed the remaining water out of her hair and opened the door to find that it wasn't her mother snooping.

"Mom I told you to stay out of my-"her mouth formed a perfect o as her voice failed her. The boy humming turned around at the sound of her voice and immediately shielded his eyes.

"Oh my gosh, I am so sorry,"he said all of this very fast so it was more,"OHMYGOSHIAMSOSORRY." Liz shrieked and threw the nearest item, a stuffed teddy bear from her dresser. The teddy missile sailed pathetically and bounced harmlessly off his well-toned chest. Liz's mom came running up the stairs followed by two people Liz had never seen before, which she assumed to be the perv's parents.

"What is it? What's the matter?" they all shouted observing the situation wide-eyed. Liz standing there clutching another teddy for defense, the guy standing there with his back turned, still shielding his eyes even though his ears and cheeks were tomato red.

Liz's mom stepped forward palms held up in the universal sign: 'Hey guys let's not murder each other with plush childhood keepsakes!' "Liz, the Banks have arrived a little early," she explained carefully as Liz turned toward her mother clutching her towel and teddy with a murderous glint in her eye. She cleared her throat before continuing,"Why don't you go change in your closet dear?" she looked close to laughing.

Liz stood there gaping for a minute eyes flitting between the boy, her mother, and the two strangers before turning on her heel, speechless,and shutting herself in her closet. She took a deep breath and looked through her closet for that stupid sweater. There were some perks to having a work-obsessed business mom, one was having an overstocked, walk-in closet. Of course she didn't have trouble listing the downsides. Cough, cough, outside the door, cough, cough.

She found the sweater and threw on some jeans before looking in the mirror. Her dull reflection stared back at her, dull nose, dull muddy brown eyes framed by dull black glasses. The only interesting thing about her was her navy blue hair she had died after her mom told her to stop looking sad and,'blue'.

Sighing she opened the door to find that the stranger was still there, with her mom nowhere to be found. Of course. Now that she was clothed the boy turned around without the promise of being mauled by a bear... a teddy one of course. He awkwardly waved, "Hey..."

"Hey..."Liz said observing him. Nice clothes= rich. Dimples= cute. Carefully styled hair=slightly snobby if it weren't so cute. Ocean blue eyes=OK you can stop observing now. Perfect face= seriously stop you're torturing yourself.

He gave an awkward smile,dimples, "I see you've gotten dressed,"he said gesturing towards her.

"I see you haven't gone downstairs with the others," she said gesturing towards the door. Smooth. He blushed slightly,"Um, yeah your mom said it would be best if the kids stayed up here."

"Oh! Ok...well...I don't really know your name...so..."Liz said awkwardly.

"Right! Yeah, the name's Henry," he said holding out his hand for her to shake. He slowly lowered his hand as Liz's cold stare never left his eyes. He regarded her for a moment before speaking,"You know most people shake when they meet."

"Most people don't come uninvited into other people's rooms without having ever met before,"Liz replied, eyebrow raised.

"Your mom let me in actually,"he retorted all kindness from his smile gone now. Liz huffed and crossed her arms across her chest. He grinned triumphantly and sat down on her bed before grabbing the remote and turning the tv on.

Liz ran over and snatched the remote out of his hands while he kicked off his shoes and got comfortable. Liz gaped, amazed that someone could be so rude," What are you doing?"she asked horrified.

He looked amazed,"Wow your bed is really soft!" Liz looked like she was about to breath fire,or get another teddy bear. He noticed and shrugged,"Well what do you wanna do since we're stuck up here."      

        Liz huffed,"Well I'm going to watch Netflix while you find something to do down there,"she pointed dramatically at the door. She flung herself into her recliner since he was still occupying her bed and unpaused Netflix. Henry was quiet for a moment,and Liz supposed he had gone downstairs so she turned her attention back to Sherlock.

        "I always hear punch you in the face when you're  speaking but-" John was interrupted however, when Henry tried to carefully slide into the recliner with Liz but only managing to smother her as he fell on top of her.

        Liz shrieked and tried to push him off, but he was too heavy. He laughed and tried to situate himself better in the chair. Liz gasped for air and tried to get out ,but he had squashed himself in tight and she was pinned down beside him. "Don't ever do that again! I'm severely claustrophobic and I told you to go downstairs anyways!"she shrieked furiously. He laughed but didn't even bother trying to get up. Liz shoved again, but it was no use.

        "So what are we watching,"he whispered as though they were enjoying a movie at the theater instead of being squashed together in an armchair.

        Liz gaped at him wondering if it was a joke," You mean you've never seen Sherlock?"

He narrowed his eyes," Nooo...am I supposed to?"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2014 ⏰

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