when a 16 year old girl named Keegan meets a boy during the summer at her cross-country summer practice,but little does the boy know keegan's walls are built high around her heart and at home she has a big problem and she cant seem to get put of it...
I wake up feeling all warm and tostey bdcause usually I am freezing cold in the mornings I lay there and stomach out my body when I look next to me and see Josh my eyes widen and then I smile remembering what happened last night we came home sat in the couch,watched Hocus Pocus and ate our food and then fell asleep together.
Josh then streaches and then opens his eyes slightly and says
"Good morning princess" I blush and smile and say
"Morning babe" Then I lay back down and snuggle up to him
"Do you just wanna maybe skip school today"
"Yeah sure it's to cold to go anyway" I say and we both laughed.
"Do you wanna go get breakfast or make it here" he asks
Me and Josh are snuggled up on the couch watching scary movies we already watched "It" and now were watching "ouija" so far everytime I get scared I snuggle up to Josh even more he looks at me and says
"Hey babygirl you safe here with me" I blush and smile the another scary part comes on the girl looks into the mirror and this black figure thing jumps out and poseses her I scream and huddle my head into Josh's neck and start to shake and my palms start to sweat he wraps his arms around me like this (picture below)
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I then felt my eyes getting heavy and sleep took over me.
JOSH'S P.O.V- I look over at Keegan and she cam barely keep her eyes open and then sleep takes over her and she falls asleep with her head on my chest and my arms wrapped around her and slowly sleep takes over me.
I look over in the passenger seat and see Keegan humming the tone that is playing in the radio I look on the screen and see the song I hate you I love you is playing and then I look back at Keegan and shes still humming the song with tears threatening to fall then it gets to the part were it says "dont want to buyI cant put nobody else above me" I then pull out of the driveway and I get out of the car and ask Keegan "are you coming" she looks at me and nods her head and I walk into the house but beforeIcould reach the door I hear screaming and crying from the car and Keegan runs out of the car and looks at the street and sees a car is coming she run out in front of hit the car stops in time and Keeganyells at the driver "WHY WHY DID YOU STOP THE FUCKING CAR HIT ME COME ON DO IT I DON'T WANNA BE HERE ON THIS EARTH ANYMORE I WANNA DIE SO HIT ME!" tears start to form in my eyes after whatI heard her just say the car starts again and races twords her I run into the street and grab her and pull her into my arm I look in the car to see who the driver was and I knew him I knew he hurt Keegan. (Hug is like this)
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