8: Red and White

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I found a germ again. Okay, it's time to kill it.
"DIE! YOU DARNED GERM!" I slashed the germ with my weapon then I killed it.
"This is U-1146, The germ is killed. Mission's done."
"Good job."

I sighed. Ah it's very hot today.
"Eh? WHITE BLOOD CELL!!!" I heard someone called me then hugged me
"Oh, Red blood cell. What's the matter?" I asked
"Ah! I just have something to say!" She said, she really looks very happy today
"Okay, i'll listen." I smiled
"Well! I delivered the oxygen without getting lost! I'm very proud of myself! Or maybe next time i'll get lost again... But! I hope I won't get lost again!" She said
"That's nice to hear." I smiled
"So, what's up? Are you tired?" She asked
"Nah." I said then I smiled at her
"Oh! Sorry! I should go back to work! See ya later!" She said then she ran fastly


"Oi." Killer T said
"Ah, Killer T. What's up?" I said
"Don't tell me you have hots for that red blood cell." He said
"Eh???? No..." I said then looked away
"Hey buddy! It's really obvious that you like her. Why don't you just tell her?" He said
"Well, I don't want to." I said
Killer T suddenly punched me in the face.
"Just confess now! I know that she likes you! Actually you're getting soft when you're with her. There's nothing wrong about confessing. The only problem about confessing is they don't have feelings for you back. But don't worry! I'm here with ya." Killer T smiled
"I see, why did you punched me?" I asked
"For you to man up." He said
"Oh, uhm, about what you say... it's very motivating." I said
"Heh, thanks." He said
"And, I'm kinda shy." I said
"Heh??!" Killer T punched me again, "Shy? A brave wimpy white blood cell that kills germs is shy?! How the hell are you shy?? You're not even shy at anything!" He said
"I said kinda." I said then I stand up
"Fine. Just tell about what's gonna happen after you confess your damn feelings for her." He said

I don't know what's up with him......

My germ sensor suddenly alarmed, I ran fast as I can then I'm finding the germ.
"Gotcha." I said
"Waaaaaaahhhhh! Help!" That voice, is familiar.
I leaned a little closer behind the germ, then I saw that RBC was screaming. She's scared. I must do something.
"Eh? Aaaahhhh!" I killed the germ at last.
"Are you okay?" I said
"Yeah... Thank you!" She said and bowed

"By the way, Red blood cell, I have something to say..."

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