Deep Within My Heart

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Harry stared at Draco from a far end of the Gryffindor table with a blank face. His gaze was unwavering. No emotions betrayed his face. Suddenly his eyes met with Blaise who just turned his head towards the Gryffindor table. Harry didn't blink, he held onto his gaze steadily. After sometime, Blaise broke the contact. His pure blood posture very easily disturbed. Harry silently got up from his seat and started making his way towards the doors.

"Harry, where are you going?" Hermione asked loudly. Harry didn't even spare her a glance.

"Out." Harry replied shortly and was out of the door in a second. He could hear, Ron and Hermione calling him, but he was too tired to deal with them.

Harry swiftly made his way towards the astronomy tower. He slowly walked to the edge of the tower and stared at a spot beneath the oak tree on the banks of the Black Lake. Few old memories came flying back, which were painful yet never failed to make him smile.

"Harry, what the hell! Don't mess with my hair. I have to work a lot with them to make it look as beautiful as you are seeing." He huffed. It made him look so much younger.

"Oh come on. I have told you, I like to run my hand through your hair. I know, you like it too." Harry smirked at his companion. He rolled his eyes but there was still a smile tugging at his lips.

"You are mental, I hope you know that?" He said but leaned against him with a content face. Harry grinned and wrapped his arms around him.

"I love you too." Harry chirped and then he kissed him soundly. The lips moulded together in practice. It was like, they were two pieces of puzzle, and they fit together just perfectly. It never ceased to amaze Harry, how good it felt to kiss him. He could never even dream to go on a day without kissing him, now that he have finally got him.

A single tear fell from Harry's eyes, even as he was smiling. The pain sometime was unbearable. It felt like being torn open everytime those memories visited him. It was all a dream now. Like an unreachable memory in the far corner of his mind. If he concentrated just the right amount, he could still taste those lips on his. But Harry prevented himself from doing so as much as he could. It's inevitable now. Harry cleaned himself from any tear stains and straightened his robes.

"Missing him?" Someone said from behind. Harry remained impassive.

"What are you doing here?" Harry asked instead to the boy whom he immediately have recognised as Blaise.

"I followed you." Blaise replied simply and came to stand beside him.

"How quaint!" Harry snorted.

"You don't seem much surprised nonetheless." Blaise said with a deadpan look.

"Nothing surprises me much now a days." Harry replied easily and gave a Blaise a rueful smile. They stood there silently for sometime, letting the cool breeze wash over them. The sun was beginning to loose it's shine. There was a slight red hue to the sky, adding to the calmness of the surroundings.

"How is he?" Harry asked without looking at Blaise. Blaise remained quiet for sometime and then sighed.

"As he was before you came into his life. His impassive mask back in place, cursing your very existence and slightly confused. He knows, that some years of his life is missing but he is too stubborn to ask anyone." Blaise said sadly. Harry didn't react.

"That's good. Atleast he's having a somewhat normal life." Harry said after sometime with a smile on his face that looked nowhere near to be real.

"I'm not a Gryffindor, but I promise you Harry, the day I know, who did this, I will destroy them within a year of that." Blaise growled out. This time Harry turned towards Blaise fully.

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