Destiel ✨

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Third Person POV

When Castiel was baby, newly born angel up in heaven, he loved to sneak out. Crazy little angel he is! He would love to sneak out while everyone was sleeping and go watch the stars. One day he got tired of just watching the stars, so he counted them. He would count all the ones he could see as he walked around heaven. Sometimes he would sit and just watch shooting stars going by, making a wish hoping the star would carry his wish around with it. "One, two, three.....four thousand.... Shooting star!!" He would screeching walking a few angels, grumpily they would look out at him but just smile at the little child.

"Dean.." Cas' voice cracked. "Please..come back." He chocked back a sob. Dean was lying in his bed in the bunker, he was just killed by Metatron the other day. "Cas, you alright buddy?" Sammy asked, sadly peeping through the door. He just simply nodded, "If you need anything I'm here okay." Sammy gave him a small smile and walked out of the room. Castiel just sat there, he's been sitting there sense Dean was first laid in this bed. That aw about 30 or so hour ago? He and Sam decided to give him a hunter's funeral tomorrow.
What they didn't know, was that Crowley had already made him demon. Dean was just simply resting and he was going to wake soon.
Later on that night, Sammy popped his head in to say goodnight to Cas. Cas mumbled back a goodnight and just looked longingly out the window. Castiel couldn't handle it, he slowly crawled up in the bed next to Dean and wrapped his arms around Dean's torso. "I miss you so much Dean." Castiel mumbled into Dean shirt. Cas laid there for a moment admiring Dean, though he was dead his face was beautiful, his hair was tousled cutely, and he was still wearing his blood soaked clothes. It was beautiful. He looked up at Dean's face and noticed that he had very many freckles. Castiel smiled and started counting, like they were stars. "One, two, three....thirty two!" Castiel smiled triumphly. "You had thirty two adorable freckles. Ya know Dean, I love you. I really do, I just wish I could've told you when you were alive." Castiel sighed, snuggling into one last time. Suddenly, Dean jerked awake. He sat up panting. "DEAN?!" Cas screeched in confusion. "Castiel! Heeeey, how've you been?" He smirked. Cas just sat there, confused and shocked. "Ya Know Cassie Boy, I could hear you talkin while I was sleepin'." Dean says chuckling. "You ah- You could? I mean WAIT- how're you here. You're dead?" Castiel managed out. He was happy to see him alive but, it was confusing. Did God bring him back? What is going on? "Ya know, I love you too Cas." Dean smiles into the distance. "Thanks for counting my freckles, I never knew there were thirty two of them!" He smiled and got off the bed. "Where's Sammy? I need to see moose of a brother." He says laughing, "Right here." Sam says standing in the doorway, disbelief showing on his face. "Ar-Are You Dean?" Sam sputters. Dean smirked, "More like new and improved. Dean 2.0 Ya know, Back in Black." He says, flashing his eyes black and smiling at them.

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