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His face was only inches away from mine and I wasn't doing anything...But when our lips almost touched, my senses came back to me and I pushed Taehyung away with all my might. . . Taehyung stumbled backwards and right into.....the teacher!!

   "Ah! Sorry seonsaengnim" Taehyung said and bowed,"I saw smoething and got scared"

"That's alright" The teacher said and smiled,"Y/n you may go back to class, sorry for bringing you out here for no reason"

    I nodded and quickly got back inside the classroom, I swear I died because of the look Taehyung gave me, it was like, he was staring into my soul, like how can a person do that?!

     Taehyung's P.O.V

"Why am I out her again??" I asked in annyoyed voice

    "I dunno, cus I love you to get in trouble??" My cousin aka my teacher laughed

"You know how emmbarssing it was??" I asked

    "But hey, at least you were alone with Y/n" My cousin replide

"That wasn't the embarssing part" I said and sighed,"I almost kissed her, but she pushed me when you showed up" I pouted

     "You know what supprises me the most?? I can't believe  your my cousin" My cousin said and pinched my cheeks.

    "Your my aunt, not cousin" I said and rubbed my cheeks

"Get back to class kido, it's hard being a sub" My aunt said

     "Your just a sub here Jisoo??" I asked

"Well no duh, and called me miss Jisoo if you please" Jisoo winked at me before walking back into the class.

     Ughhh that "cousin" of mine is soooooo annyoying, I mean like come on! I was this close*shows an inch* from kissing Y/n. But like, I still can't believe that Y/n actually pushed me away when she willing closed her eyes. . . . . Is she still effected that so called boyfriends of hers?? Oh sorry, I ment crazy ass bitch psycho EX boyfriend, I swear that donkey will die!

   Y/n's P.O.V

I walked in and hurried went to my seat, hopping everyone will not notice me, but ofc, I failed.

    "Yah you!"

Jennie, aka the popular and rich AF girl, AKA my bully and a person that is in LOVEEEE with every hot guy in my school -_-, I know what a slut right??

    "Yah, you listing ??" Jennie slamed her fit on my desk which made me jump a little

"So you know the new kid?? The hot one?? Well he's mine, so get your poor ass fingers off him" Jennie said while twiring her curls

    "Omg Jennie, I am not like you, don't think I fall every fucking guy in this school" I wrote and rolled my eyes. 

    "Wow you think you can stand up to moi??" Jennie fliped her hair

"Umm yeah??" I wrote and made a 'isn't that obvious' look

    "You wait till we're alone" Jennie sneered,"Cus your dead"

I knew I was in trouble when those words left her mouth, I really have no idea why I actually thought I could get her to shut up, ughhh now I'm gonna have more scars and Yoongi gonna want to kill Jennie, UGHH I am such a dumbass!!!

   "Yo! Leave! please and thank you" A deep voice from the front of the room was heard

"Oppa!" Jennie squealed and ran to hug Taehyung but Taehyung legit pushed her away.

    "Oppa??" Jennie looked at Taehyung from the floor and used her sad, pout and cute?? look, that usually makes guys fall for her, but Taehyung only scoffed in disgust.

    "I don't need your germs on my table, and I don't think Y/n does either" Taehyung said as he made his way to m- I mean our table.

  Woww Taehyung's a new students here yet he stand up to Jennie, well he's gonna be popular himself soon so oh well.

    "Hey did you know that the teacher is a sub??" Taehyung asked me

"No" I wrote

   "Well she's a sub" Taehyung said

OooOo no wonder the teacher talked to me, she hasn't heard any rumors about me yet. 

   Taehyung didn't talk to me afterwards, he would only glance back at me before turning back to his other friends, which happens to be some of the BTS boys. Jin and Jimin were my only friends from BTS boys and that's only because Jin was like my other mother, and as for Jimin, he's my first cousin. They always wanted to introduce me to the others boys, but I would always say, I mean write no and then run off, having 2 friends was enough. Right as I was thinking about friends, Taehyung turned around and said,"Y/n, we're friends right??"

    "I guess" I wrote

"No, we're not friends" Taehyung said, and everyone stopped talking and looked at us, Jennie and her minons were smirking at me.

    "We're best friends!" Taehyung gave me his box smile as he pulled me into a hug. OMG I was so scared, I thought Taehyung was gonna make fun of me to, and I am SO glad that he didn't, I was so happy that I didn't even notice that Taehyung pulled me into a hug.

     Time skips

Yes! Finally class is over!!I grabbed my stuff and hurried out of the class and headed to my secret spot for lunch. I always made sure to be the first one out of my class so no one would stalk me and report me to the teachers or snitch on me to Jennie. My secret and most favorite place to be at school is the school's roof, and the reason someone would report me to the teachers is because the school roof is off limits, because a lot of people have committed suicide here. . . But I go there because it's the most peaceful place in THE whole entire school, which means the libary is not a quite place.

    I let out a loud sigh as I made my way to the rooftop, I have been so quite for so long I miss the sound of my own voice but since I don't wanna talk, I usally let out loud sighs as a way of "talking" for me. I sat on the ground and pulled out my lunch box that Yoongi made, he added a little note that read,"You better eat all of this or I'll kick your ass"

    I rolled my eyes as I crumbled up the paper and threw it behind me, not knowing that a whole other person was there and they catched the paper. 

     "You know, you should listen to your brother"

My blood turned to ice when I heard HIS voice. . .No way, he wouldn't be here, no he can't be! I slowly turned my head and my eyes widen and I let out a gasp.

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