Chapter 1: Pixies, Fairies they're all the same.... right?

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"fuck, Eliot what are we gonna do?!?" Margo yelled at her best-friend deep in forests of Fillory. Eliot looked at Margo with widened eyes and a mocking like cocked head. He tilted his head back slamming it on the tree he had his back up against.

"We need to figure out how to get these fucking creatures off our asses." Margo grinded her teeth at Eliot.

"well I DON'T KNOW how to DO THAT now DO I?!?" Eliot yelled back at her but still trying to keep quiet incase the creature could hear them.

Margo let out a frustrated groan and slid down the back of the tree she had her back up against. She placed her head in her hands for a bit thinking of the millions of ways she could get them out of this mess. "Just one word out of line after trying to make a treaty with the pixies and we fucked the whole thing to hell and back. Thanks El." she said sarcastically.

"look i'm sorry... They weren't being very democratic with their choices to treaty with us so i just thought making a slight comparison of them to the fairies was gonna make them want to be better than their sister race... but apparently we didn't know those two races had.... a history..." Eliot scrunched up his lip.

Margo let out a huff. "ok look it doesn't matter what you did, its what we have to focus on now that matters."

"wait wait wait. D-Did you hear that?" Eliot shushed Margo.

"NO?" Margo mouthed silently to Eliot. Eliot held his index finger up to his mouth as and indication to be quiet. Margo rolled her eyes not taking Eliot seriously. Eliot peeped around the side of the tree he was standing behind and then quickly spun back around.

"ffffff-uckk" Eliot whispered anxiously. "They're here." Eliot mouthed to Margo. Margo sighed and got her self up off the ground.

"Right" Margo thought to herself. "Just talk bullshit and hopefully they'll leave you alone." Margo took a deep breath and walked out from behind the tree. She could see Eliot freaking out in her peripherals. Margo kept walking, head held high until she came face to face with four pixies. "Ok pixie queen-"

"-President actually your highness." one of the pixies cut Margo off.

"... Ok right, President." Margo corrected herself. "I'm sorry for what my royal adviser said before about you and the fairies."

The pixies growled at the mention of fairies, exposing their razor sharp teeth. Margo let out a worried giggle.

"Um so, i was thinking maybe we... start over?" Margo insisted.

The pixie who looked to be in-charge of the witch hunt walked up closer to Margo. "then why did you run?"

Margo was lost for words. She run out of bullshit. This never happens. The pixies rolled their heads cracking their necks.

"No second chances your highness." The lead pixie growled.

Margo let out a scream and ran as fast as she could back to the trees that she and Eliot had been hiding behind but when she came to a fast halt to them she realised Eliot was gone. "For FUCKS SAKE EL!" She yelled in frustration. Margo pushed off from the trees to gain momentum running again. She could hear the rapid flutter of the pixies wings behind her. Margo kept running as fast as she could.

She suddenly came to a dead end which happened to be the huge lake that surrounds Fillory. "no, no, NOOO!" Margo yelled in frustration. She collapsed onto her knees by the waters edge. A tear drop trickled down her cheek and dropped into the icy blue water in front of her.

The Pixies had caught up with her. Margo spun herself around still on the ground and looked up at the creatures. The Pixies claws un-sheafed from the fingers of the ugly beasts. Their tongues slid across their razor pointed teeth. Margo never thought that this was the way she was going to go. Mauled by pixies? how petty.

Just as Margo had closed her eyes and accepted her fate. She weirdly felt the water drain out from behind her as the water trickled away from her hand that she had resting in the water. Margo sat there for a minute until she realised that something should've happened by now. She sprung one eye open to check her surroundings. The pixies had backed away, now looking past Margo and above her in shock. Margo, not knowing what had happened, hesitantly turned around to look at what the Pixies where looking at. She looked up to find that a woman was standing on a sheet of rising water. The long dark haired woman had her arms out wide like she was casting a levitation spell. The water swirled around her naked body like a wall behind her. Margo stood up not taking her eyes off the woman in shock.

"Leave." The woman's angelic voice echoed.

The pixies looked at each-other not knowing what to do.

"leave her ALONE!" the woman screamed in a deafening pitch. The woman pointed at the pixies which also motioned the water to spurt at the pixies like a fire hose, washing them all back into the forrest. The Pixies shook the water themselves off angrily and flew back to their nest in a huff. The woman cheekily smirked at their retreat.

"How...wait, Who are you?" Margo asked in awe.

The woman lowered herself from the water wall, winked at Margo and disappeared emerging herself back into the water like nothing had ever happened.

"no no wait you can't do that, you saved my life, come back! Who are you!?" Margo yelled at the water. "AGHHHhhH" Margo's scream echoed through the valleys of the lake.

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