Chapter 3 - "My name is Jasmine by the way"

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Gelled hair, tight black shirt, a bit of makeup on his acne scars almost unnoticeable at the end of his chin, black loose jeans with white sneakers, a small gold chain around his neck. Also, could not forget the contact that took at least half an hour to put them in, since he was terribly scared of them. It had hurt, but now that they were in, he was ready to leave. Kylan headed for his father's alcohol cabinet, and grabbed a shot glass, wincing after the first shot as it left a disgusting taste in his mouth. He took another one, before filling a water bottle, and another one for Ella.

His eyes found the gaze of the portrait held at the end of the room; it was the golden eyes of his mother staring at him. As always, he sighed sadly, then left the room to find his own bedroom. When he entered, he rolled his eyes when Ella was still in her undergarments, rushing through her makeup bag, trying to find the right lipstick. He sat on his bed and said, "You might want to hurry up."

"I was taking care of you for the longest time, that's why I'm late," she yelled, finding the lipstick and quickly applying it. Then she threw it at the side of the sink, and closed the bathroom light, grabbing the dress she was going to wear that was on the bed. It was gold, tight in her curves and revealed a bit of cleavage.

He frowned, "Don't you think that shows a bit too much?" She turned around and he leaned forward, zipping the back of the dress, "Guys are already after you when you're not dressed like this, that dress will make it worse."

"You're such a party pooper," she chuckled, staring at his body mirror at the end of the room. She smiled at herself, admiring the reflection before hurrying the her heels, "Thats the point of this dress. And look how your dressed; girls will be on you."

"Well, maybe I'll suddenly turn straight."

She shrugged her shoulders, "Or maybe you could just hook up with a girl and call it a night."

He rolled his eyes, "That's not happening."

"Anyways," she opened his door, "we have to leave. Are you ready?"

"I've been ready, here's your drink," he threw her the bottle with alcohol in it, and she caught it, making a grimace when the scent filled her nose, "I think the cab is outside."

And it was.

The home was about forty minutes away, but the minute they arrived, both of them gawked. They had never been to Jonah's home before, but it was clearly a mansion, could even be considered a castle. It had lights of different colours illuminating the entire home, and the driveway was miles long. The cab driver even raised his eyebrows at them, and they were both speechless. The bricks were bright white, with large fountains in the garden, and maple trees with pink blossoms followed the driveway. It was such a masterpiece that they were trembling when they exited the cab.

Kylan gulped, before saying, "I'm not going in there."

"Yes, you are. We came all this way; let's take a shot right now." He agreed, and the clashed their bottles before taking a shot. They needed a second one and finally, the buzz that Kylan began feeling gave him a burst of energy, and they marched past the gate. The walk to the entrance was pretty long, but when they reached the doors — the front doors were immense, almost as if it was the entrance to the royal palace — a few security guards nodded their heads at them.

They both gulped, and approached the guards whom patted them down and allowed them to enter. The entrance was illuminated by all the colours that were outside, and the music blared. There were circular stairs headed to the upper levels, and any type of games that one would love to play. It was packed with people, with enough space to breathe, and a few pool tables with people smoking were present. As they continued, they passed the balcony doors, and saw people rolling joints, or making a few lines of cocaine.

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