Epilogue- Part 2. I'm fully messed up... Will you clear it off...

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I'm here to draw the curtains of this story completely....

I know all are hell angry on me na... 😂😂😂😂😂...

So sorry... I take this story as a challenge for me and you know what, I did it again... Oohooo... 💃💃💃💃💃

I made you all to bang your heads to find out the mystery and confused you , as much as I can.... 😂😂😂😂

Okay okay... No bad words, please... Show some mercy on this crazy girl na... I'm zipping my mouth....

Let's go and see who is that Kulfi, Pragya's fiance, the idiot ***** who made the bet, the reason for the bet and who really is that dean....

Twisty and spicy things awaits...

Have fun and enjoy the update...

Wait... Wait... Get inside by pressing the 🌟 button once....


The head nurse Aaliya is completely in an inner turmoil.. She can't tolerate that her one stupid move has made Dr. Purab to look like a culprit, in front of his own father.. Yeah, it's the hardened truth that the hospital belongs to Purab's father Mr. Rajveer Khanna, who is the dean of the hospital...

An hour before, Aaliya finishes off her works and headed towards Dr. Purab's cabin.. She heard some nurses are bad mouthing that Aaliya is just showing off like a pativratha, but trying to trap Dr. Purab using her special skills..

Aaliya couldn't tolerate the fact that they mocked her by saying that Aaliya wishes to become the bahu of the rich Khannas and wanna rule the hospital, not minding her class and status too...

They teased by saying that how girls are stooping low , for trapping men and another said that Aaliya has played well by earning Purab's pity, as she is an orphan...... Aaliya just couldn't digest their words at all and hot tears rolled down from her eyes uncontrollably..

This is what she fears all these years... It's been three years, Aaliya is working in the hospital... The chirpy and carefree, friendly and mischievous Dr. Purab Khanna, gained her attention and without her knowledge, she started to fall for him too..

But Aaliya's dreams scattered, when she find out that Dr. Purab is none other than their dean's only son and he is going to be handed over the responsibilities of the whole hospital, after some years... Many a times, Purab said his love for her , but Aaliya cuts off the topic and acts that she hates him a lot..

But after the entry of the Messy Queen Pragya, everything in Aaliya changed.. Aaliya's hidden love, her jealousy, her possessiveness on Purab, her longiness and carvings came to lime light and opened up in front of Purab... Though Aaliya didn't uttered the three precious words, her love is clearly visible through her gestures and actions..

On that day, Purab is affected by heavy fever... But he came to hospital, as he can't pass a day without seeing Aaliya.. Purab is way too shocked to see Aaliya crying and running inside the room, which nurses used to take rest...

Purab feels panick and without minding anything, he rushes inside.. He failed to notice that many eyes have seen him enter the private area of the lady nurses and many started to gossip about that... Some where keen to say the news to the Dean, to earn good name and make Dr. Purab to look like a culprit...

As no one is there in the room, Purab runs and hugs the crying Aaliya and tries to console her.. A minute Aaliya too forget her surroundings and finds solace in his arms.. But reality mocked at her and she pushes Purab with all her might and glares at him angrily..

Mr. Perfection vs Miss. Messy - Abhigya TS By CrazyMahiz.. (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now