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3am, I sighed. I stayed back for a few hours after work and it turned into the whole night. It was my last day actually, as I got promoted to work in London.
I start in three weeks, so I have a good enough break to move and settle. Instead of driving home, I went to my gym, might as well get a workout in before bed.

It was 6 o clock, finished my shower and I was ready to knock out.
8 am, knock on my door,

"Adam, wake up, mums calling us all downstairs",
I groaned at the sound of my sister and opened my door, wincing at the brightness coming from the passage windows.
My eyes heavy, I stumbled down the stairs into the dining room, welcomed by my siblings and parents sitting at the table with a variety of well presented food. Pancakes with syrup, scones and crumpets, sausages and omelettes, coffee and tea cakes, so much to take in, so much to be grateful for.

I walked towards my mum, who was seated and kissed her cheek, amazed at her efforts.

'"Adam, whys your hair damp?" ,
"oh I came home late and showered"
"what time???"
"around 5ish"
"mum its fine , lets just eat please"
She stroked my face and passed the toasts down.

She got a text,

"guys I forgot to let you know, remember my childhood friend Vianni Kavari, he's throwing his youngest daughter a joint graduation and birthday party, and we have to be there for 1."

We all groan
"where is it?", my younger sister Georgina said,


I groaned louder, "that's 3 hours away from here",

"yes so I want you all to get ready, we leave by 10"

"mum im really tired, please can I not go",

"Adam we need two cars, you and your dad"

I frowned

Rolling my eyes, as I sat ready in my suit, waiting patiently for Geo, Em and Selena to finish their makeup.

9.57am, "you lot, 3 minutes till 10", I said annoyed.

"Is that Armani", Zach said at my suit,

"yeah, you?", "louis" he said.

"the all black suits you well uno",

"thank you my brother", I said, looking down, still annoyed at why everyone else was delaying.

Ive always been a one man kind of person, we have a big family, with big personalities but most of the time I just keep to myself.

Unlike Zach, whose close to all of them.


On route for 2 hours, driving at 140,  need to get off this road before I knock out. Selena was at the front, Geo and Bella at the back., taking selfies.

So not looking forward to today. I groaned.


We arrived at a massive hall, lavish and luxury, the theme was pink and gold. Around the walls were photos of the family , 'Aria', it said everywhere, and huge 'congratulation' balloons and '22' at every corner. We were greeted by many people and the Kavari's, I hadn't met any of them before but I knew who Mr Kavari was.

"Victoria!", " Vianni!", bestest of friends greeted each other after so long.

"Adam you've gotten much taller, last time I saw you were only 15, how old are you now?"

"24, 25 soon" I said over the music.

"Aria looks beautiful", my mum said to him as she turned towards the stage.

My eyes grew with desire, heart racing, she was beautiful. Dark hair , gold skin , in a silk pink dress and a crown on her head,. A sashe hugging her small waist, oh how I was jealous.

She was beautiful, how have I never known her. Swaying her hips as  she was dancing with her friends, laughing, sparkling dimples, and for once, after so long, I finally felt good inside.

I watched her from my table, smiling.

Till I notice Zach going onto the stage to take a picture with her.  I clenched my jaw.

"if you like her, why don't you go up and talk to her", Geogina said

"I could never",

"wow can you put your ego aside and make the first move, shes way out of your league anyways", she said.

"its not arrogance, he's shy" Selena said.

"what, no I'm not" I said.

"I get it , your Adonis Knight (full name), leading man in business, girls love you, everyone wants to work with you, your so smart and rich and cool and we all get it...but your actually such an introvert, always in your comfort zone, and your comfortable watching her from afar. If you were man enough, you'd go to her right now." she scoffed as she stood up.

"wait what are you doing?", I said slightly panicked but trying not to show it .

She went to the stage and whispered in her ear, the devil pointed at my direction and Aria smiled.

Omds shes walking towards me, what do I do, I watched as Zach's face dropped, and just as she came, I stood up,
'this is my brother Adam", Selena said as she backed away.

"hi Adam, I'm Aria", she said, she looked so pretty.

"happy birthday btw oh and congratulations on graduating",

"thank you", she said, smiling wider, her dimples deepening.
"would you like to dance?", she said over the music.

My stomach pulled as I nodded, and followed her lead as she took my hand.

We danced and laughed for awhile, talking over the music, till she was called onto the stage.

They played the song taste, as everyone cheered, watching Aria get fed cake by her family, her dad was dancing to the music with her and her brother .

My mum was up there too with Selena.

Aria turned and our eyes locked, she motioned me to come up on the stage, widening my eyes I shook my head.
Its pretty obvious that I'm very awkward in social situations. Sitting in my office all day, deciding who I want to let into my room since I was the boss meant that I didn't interact with people as much on an informal level.

She frowned, pouting her lips, which I couldn't help but laugh, and she smirked as she came down the steps, the spotlight following her, right in front of my seat as she stretched her arm out.

I internally died as I took her hand and went up on stage with her, everyone cheering louder, making me feel extrEmely uncomfortable.
Standing side by side as the camera man did his magic.

Her eyes glistened,  when she looked up at me. She  hugged her arms around my waist, inside my suit jacket.
With all of the bright lights and camera shutters, she made me feel at ease.

I felt Zach from the table, burning through his glare, the smell of rage and jealousy.
Selena came up next to my other side and I whispered "what did you say to her earlier for her to come up to me?",
"nothing, all I said was that's my brother over there, she could've chose to say ah okay, but instead she went up to you, asked you for a dance, and then in front of everyone got off stage to personally bring you onto the stage with her and openly take photos, glued onto each other. I didn't expect any of that", she said,

I smiled and faced Aria who locked her eyes with mine again, I pulled her closer, as she tightened her hold on me.

This day took a huge turn .

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2018 ⏰

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