Fifty-Three; James

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Her eyes widen in shock for only a moment before she grins and reaches between us. I hiss when she finally wraps a hand around my cock. I can't do this much longer. I need to be inside her too badly. I reach for my bedside table then remember I'm not at my house.

"Shit." I don't mean to say it out loud.

She raises up on my elbows, alarmed.

"What? Did I do something wrong?"

"No, you're perfect. It's the condoms. When I didn't think you were coming, I left a bag in the car," he exhales a harsh breath and reaches for his pants on the floor, but I wrap my hand around his wrist, stopping him.

"My bag. Front zipper." Thank God she came prepared. I grin and kiss her, hard but brief. I feel just as impatient as she is. I reaches into her bag and pull out a comedically long accordion of condoms.


"Determined. You're not the only one with plans."

I chuckle as I rip the package open.

"Smart girl." I roll the condom down my length and settle my weight back over her. She reaches between our bodies and takes me in her hand, rubbing the tip of me against her. I want to flex my hips and sink into her, but her eyes are squeezed shut and her head turned to the side so I can't read her expression. This thing between us feels bigger than a one night stand, some meaningless fling. I need to see her. I need to know she feels this too. She tries to buck her hips, pushing up to meet me, but I steady my hand on her hip, pinning her to the mattress.

"Blaise. Look at me." Her eyes slowly flutter open and focus on mine. I slide in another inch and she moans.

"Are you sure?"

She frantically nods. "Yes."

"Eyes on me." I sink into her in one slow, controlled stroke. I watch as her expression changes, her eyes widen then roll back. Her back arches and her hands cling to my shoulders.

I know it the second I'm inside her. This feels too perfect, too right, too much like exactly where I belong. Like home. Only home isn't four walls and a door anymore. It's two stormy, blue eyes and a wild, erratic heartbeat.

I'm in love with her.

I still for a moment, staring directly into her eyes, feeling her heart thunder against mine. I flex my hips, driving into her even deeper. I start to move. Gently at first, small rocks of my hips and slow, shallow thrusts, until a small smile ghosts her lips and all signs of discomfort on her face melt into bliss.

I'm as physically close to her as I possibly can be. It's absolute perfection, and yet not nearly enough. I realize now her body's not enough. I want everything. I want to permeate her thoughts, invade her heart. I want to seep into her soul the way she has mine.

I'm in love with you.

The words threaten to spill from my mouth, but I hold them in. I can't tell her that. Not now. But I can show her.

I make love to her intentionally, deliberately, struggling to maintain control. She's the exact opposite, wild and needy and shameless in her pleasure. Her hands and mouth are all over me. Her legs wrapped tight around my waist. My skin burns everywhere she touches, like she's made of fire. It's the most intensely beautiful thing I've ever experienced.

I can tell when she's close to falling over that edge again. Her legs tremble and her back arches. She digs her heels into my ass.

"Look at me," I plead, and she opens those eyes and stares straight into me the second her orgasm tears through her. She runs her fingers down my back, her nails digging into my flesh painfully. She throws her head back, but her eyes never leave mine. Her mouth opens, but the only word to come out is fuck. It's the hottest thing I've seen or heard in my entire life.

I silence her dirty mouth with my lips. I slow my movements, letting her recover. Letting me recover. Her eyelids flutter closed, her pulse steadies. But when she opens her eyes moments later, the fire behind them glows even brighter.

"James?" She moans, and I twitch inside her at the sound of my name.

"Yes, Love?"

"Let go, James." I look at her, confused. My forearms are on either side of her head, supporting my weight. My hands are empty. Let go of what? She runs one hand across my shoulder and down my spine. She reaches up with the other and smoothes the crease between my eyebrows.

"You're practically vibrating with tension." I'm still inside her, and she rocks her hips against mine and tightens around me, drawing me closer, deeper.


"I want you to feel this with me, James." She reaches up and cups my cheek, then pulls my neck down, angling my mouth over hers, and brands me with a searing kiss. She kisses up my jaw and takes my earlobe in her teeth while my mind churns, analyzing her words and managing my own anxieties. She whispers against my ear. "Please, James. I need you to let go."

I look down at her pleading eyes. Yes. Whatever she wants, whatever she needs, a thousand times yes. I take a deep breath.

And then I let go. I hold nothing back, pouring everything I feel into this, everything she's made me feel over the last ten months. I have no coherent thoughts. For the first time in as long as I can remember, I'm not planning my next move, I'm just moving. Just feeling and giving and taking and doing and living and my God its glorious. She's glorious. Perfect.

Unable to form thoughts or words, we let our bodies speak for us. I write a sonnet on her neck with my lips. She inscribes a love letter with her nails across my back. It probably hurts, but I don't even have the capacity for pain right now because I can't focus on anything but the pleasure she's giving me. I can't see or think or feel anything but her.

I don't ever want to see or think or feel anything but her ever again.

I'm shaking, trembling, climbing, so close to the edge. I need her to open her eyes, but I can't speak. I yank at her hair, pulling her head back from my shoulder where I'm pretty sure she just bit me.

She gasps and her eyes open, round and wide. Her gaze meets mine and I completely fall apart. I'm soaring, falling, flying, crashing, everything at once. I stare into her eyes, not daring to look away. She stares right back, locking me in her gaze.

I'm in love with you, Blaise.

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