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The original story of ''Michael" has been deleted due to the fact I wasn't comfotable or happy with where it was heading. It was an awwardly set out plot and I didn't feel like it worked well. Plus, I've currently been working on a new version of "Michael." It is still somewhat the same storyline although it's much more organised therefore making so much more sense and I feel like people will enjoy it more. I'm wating until I've completed a fair amount of it before pulishing though as I don't want to keep people waiting months. I want to have weekly updates, so until I can do that successfully the blank pages and cover await here. 

Thank you if you read the original, I really do appreciate it and I hope the new one is much more appealing to you and you enjoy it! I know I like it better than the first one.  

-Amy Clare x

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2014 ⏰

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