SasuNaru songfic -Deathbeds

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Okay so I decided to write a songfic on one of my favourite ships. This was made all on a whim so if there are any mistakes, let me know and I'll fix them. Please bear with me. Here we go!

Song: Deathbeds (By: Bring Me the Horizon)

Disclaimer: I do not own the characters used in this songfic.

Enjoy! :)

(P.S its supposed to be sad)


Eyes like a car crash

I know I shouldn't look but I can't turn away.

Body like a whiplash,

Salt my wounds but I can't heal the way

I feel about you.

 Sasuke lay there breathing, but not feeling. The metallic taste of blood staining his tongue. His head was pounding with only one word that kept repeating in his mind, why?

Why did he save him? Why?

And as the colour slowly started to drain from his face, he reached towards his chest with the little strength he had left and clenched at his heart or what used to be there.

He was an avenger not a hero, he wasn't supposed to die here.

He clawed at his crimson stained clothing as little wet droplets fell upon his being.

I watch you like a hawk

I watch you like I'm gonna tear you limb from limb

Will the hunger ever stop?

Can we simply starve this sin?

''SASUKE, SASUKE WHERE ARE YOU?'', someone screamed from the distance, Sasuke couldn't really tell because everything seemed fuzzy now.

Something or someone dropped beside him, Sasuke immediately tensed his broken body as he snapped out of his dilemma. A soft blonde blur came into his sight. Naruto, Sasuke's mind reeled as memories long buried made themselves known. Sasuke felt himself being pulled into Naruto's lap, if he wasn't so proud he would have screamed in pain.

Blood gushed out of Sasuke's fatal wound as Naruto took off his overcoat and in a desperate attempt put it around Sasuke's wound. Naruto held Sasuke closer as he leaned into him.

''Why did you do it teme!" Naruto sobbed.

Sasuke stared at Naruto with pained eyes as he watched tears trickle down the said blonde's face. Naruto held on tighter as if that would prevent Sasuke from dying.

'' N-Naruto I-I....'',ragged coughs split the serene forest air. Sasuke tried to move and form words but it was all for not.

''Shh,don't say anything Sasuke'', Naruto whispered.

''Naruto l-listen to-m....'', Sasuke stopped mid sentence as more hacked coughs left his throat. Naruto stared at his onyx eyed best friend and quickly picked him up piggy back style. Sasuke winced in pain at the sudden movement.

''Hold on Sasuke, I'm taking you to Sakura and Baa-Chan, so don't die on me teme'', Naurto yelled as he jumped from tree to tree. Sasuke buried his face into Naruto's shirt as the morbid weather kept pouring down.

That little kiss you stole

It held my heart and soul

And like a ghost in the silence I disappear

Don't try to fight the storm

You'll tumble overboard

Tides will bring me back to you

Soon the two friends reached the make-shift camp the shinobi forces had made. Naruto could feel the blood from Sasuke's wound damping his shirt. Quickly Naruto made his way through the crowd of people, ignoring the shocked and some satisfied faces of his fellow allies and comrades.


A pink haired girl clad in a white trench coat came rushing out.

''Naruto did you find him?'' Sakura asked urgently. Naurto turned around and showed here Sasuke's bloody body. Sakura gasped as tears threatened to fall. She pulled up her medical mask and gestured Naruto to bring him in.

The battered green tent that they were using for a medical tent held only an examining table in the middle and necessary supplies. A blonde female emerged from the other side.

'' Sakura we need more alc-'', Tsunade stopped mid-sentence as she say the broken body of the last loyal Uchiha. She immediately rushed to the examining table and started prodding at his body.

''What the heck happened in the front-lines Naruto?'' Lady Tsunade asked.

''He saved me from Madara and that supposed god-like things attack'', he said back.

''Sakura quick get me the scalpel, we'll need to start fast if we want to save him'', she barked at said girl.

''Oh my Kami-sama, he's barley breathing'', Sakura whispered to herself. The two females made little haste as they worked on Sasuke's wounds.

''S-Sak..ura t-tell N-naruto th..that I-I saved h-..him w..w...was b-because I lov-'', another fit of coughs followed Sasuke's statement.

''You can tell Naruto anything you want once your better, so sit tight because we are going to save you Sasuke!'', Sakura said as she pulsed chakra into his body.

''Dammit this wound is pretty grave the cells just won't close!'' Tsunade yelled in frustration as she desperately tried to seal his wounds. Naurto looked on from a distance desperately trying not to burst into tears as he watched their attempts at saving Sasuke become more desperate.

Suddenly a man in a green flak jacket came in wearing the standard shinobi hitaiate. ''Naruto-sama we need you in the front-lines, the attacks have gotten more drastic along the border!''

Naruto looked hesitantly at the dying body of Sasuke. ''Okay, just give me a moment,ttabayo'', he said.

Naruto walked up to Sasuke as Sakura moved aside to give him room, they had done all the could and now it was up to whatever evil god was pulling the strings. Naruto held onto Sasuke's limp hand and kissed it. ''I'll be back Sasuke so don't die''.

Sasuke tried to form words but to no avail as he gripped Naruto's hand loosely.

And on my deathbed, all I'll see is you

The life may leave my lungs

But my heart will stay with you

With the last breath in his lungs Sasuke finally whispered a final goodbye.

''I love you Naruto''

Sasuke's hand went limp as a small smile graced his chapped lips.

''Goodbye teme, I-I love you too''

And on my deathbed, all I'll see is you

 And like a ghost in the silence I disappear

- Fin -


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2014 ⏰

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