Chapter 7

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Aaliyah's Pov
I get on my phone and I glance over at August and smile. He glances over at me and says. "What,why you smiling?" I shake my head and I look out the window. We pull up at the park and Leila taps me on the shoulder and I turn around and look at her. "Can you push me on the swings?" I look at her and smile. "Sure." August looks at me. "You don't have to push her I'll do it." Leila says. "No I want liyah to do it." I shake my head. "I'll do it." We get out the car and Leila runs over to the swings. I follow behind her and I put her on the swing. I start pushing her and she giggles. August looks at me and shakes his head. She gets off the swings and she runs over to the merry go round. I walk over to August and sit next to him. He looks at me and says. "She loves you already."  I look at him and say. "She's adorable." He looks at me and says. "Can I ask you something?"  I look at him and say. "What is it?" He says. "Never mind." I look at him. "Say it." Leila runs over to me and says. "Liyah come and play with me." August looks at her and says. "She don't want to play with you le le." I get up and I walk to the playground with Leila. I play with Leila for awhile and I walk back over to August and sit next to him. "So are you gonna to ask me?" He looks at me. "Ask you what?" I shake my head and I watch Leila play.
Jayla's Pov
Aaliyah walks over to me. "Mhm who you on the phone with?" I look at her and say. "None of your business liyah now go and get on FaceTime with August." She glares at me. "Well damn and I just got off FaceTime with him." I look at her and say. "Hmm I see you." She shakes her head and Someone knocks on the door. Aaliyah opens the door and Travis walks in.  She walks upstairs and Travis walks over to me. "Wassup with her?" I look at him and shake my head. "I have no idea." August walks in the house with a little girl behind him. I look at him and say. "Who's this little cutie." August looks at me and says. "This my little sister Leila." I look at her and say. "I'm Jayla." Aaliyah comes downstairs and I look at her. "Mhm where you about to go?" She looks at me and says. "With August and his little sister." They walk out the house and I look at Travis. "So they got a date?" He says. "Yeah but I knew this was going to happen."I shake my head. "Anyways why you come over here?" He looks at me. "I just came to chill with you today." I nod my head and I walk in the living room.

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