Chapter 5

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We had a meeting with our long known pack rival, the Day-Walkers. I was excited of course, but I couldn't help but be nervous, anticipating the possible dangers that being around lots of wolves who none of were my pack. The following day was Saturday, the day of the meeting, I did my homework quickly, made and ate dinner, took care of my personal hygiene, and practically threw myself at my bed, turning my lights off as I snuggled under the covers. But my mind would not shut off, my eyes wouldn't close, wide in excitement for tomorrow. My mind switched back to earlier today, when I had met Travis, when I initially had the instinct to hate his guts, and then when he got so angry that he shifted into his wolf. As I remembered today, I felt my eyes begin to droop with exhaustion, I yawned, it had been a long day.


I woke up, bright and early. Quickly hopping into the shower and getting dressed. I ate my breakfast quickly, saying a quick good morning to my father as he was already up, sipping his morning coffee, I brushed my teeth, and sat in front of the TV, flipping trough the channels, choosing a nature documentary of the Amazon Rainforest.

"Ugh, of all that days for you to be a morning person, you had to choose today!" Jackson tromped down the stairs in a gray t-shirt and blue plaid fleece pants.

"Yes. I can be a morning person whenever I want. If you try to wake me up tomorrow I will bite your pathetic face off, if you had tried to wake me up today... yeah, I still would have bitten your face off." I told him. "Now hurry and eat, I don't want to be late for the meeting." Jackson rolled his eyes, he walked into the kitchen and upon finding my father there, I heard his shocked gasp.

"You too?!"


We traveled in our wolf forms through the forest. My family were pure-bloods, so we were bigger than the half-bloods in our pack, so we were stronger and faster and we arrived before the other members of the pack did, well, the eight to nine elder members and the three to four generals of the pack.

We walked to the edge of  the round clearing, standing in a pool of shadows. The clearing had two big fallen trees lying side by side in the middle of the clearing that served as the table and the tree stumps that lay around the table served as seats.

The table was long and only big enough for two packs, the pack alphas, the pack elders, and the generals, some wolves had to stay standing though, but the point is, the table was pretty big. I noticed we were the first ones there too. I was about to walk over to sit down but my father stopped me.

Wait until the other pack gets here. My father mind linked me.

I looked at him curiously.

Why? I asked him.

You are probably wondering why the table isn't very big, Jackson started to say in my head. Well that's because-! I darted over and successfully cut him off by nipping his back leg before he could run away from me.

I know why the table isn't that big! I don't need your lame commentary or whatever. I told to him with an edge of menace in my voice.

Why? He asked, a snarky look in his eyes.

I rolled my green eyes. Because, the table is for the two packs in our area and the long table symbolizes the two sides of our territories and the boundary. I growled at him, aiming to nip his leg again but he danced away.

I shot him a wolf-y smirk. Look at little Jackie!! Is little twinkle toes still into dancing? I cooed.

You are so annoying! He growled.

Now you know how I feel! I told him with fake enthusiasm.

Children, calm down, the other pack is arriving, please try to behave. Our father calmed our bickering, I shut off our mind link and looked straight ahead into a patch of sunlight on the other side of the clearing. The other pack walked out of the trees, padding through to the patch of sunlight were large red-orange wolves. I felt the hairs on my neck stand up, my teeth automatically baring, I snapped my mouth shut and tried to calm myself, telling myself there was no danger. In these meetings there was a truce and if blood was shed, there would be war.

I could tell that my father and the other pack's alpha were mind linking from the intense look they shared. Suddenly we walked forward, I felt myself being propelled forward against my will, I knew that this was so that we would be in sync and that my father was commanding the pack silently. As we reached the table, we morphed into our human forms, our clothes morphed back with us. Our clothes were made of a special material that is like a second skin, yet it is still loose and flexible, not to tight, when we change to our wolf, it changed with us, and when we morph back into a human, the clothes change back with us too. My father walked to his seat, still in shadow, my brother walked to my father's right sat down, I walked to my father's left, skipping the seat to his immediate left as that was the seat the Luna, my mother, would normally fill, and sat down.

The Day-Walker alpha looked at my mother's empty seat and then to my father, "Jeremy, why is it that your Luna's seat is empty? Where is the rest of your family?"

My father replied in a calm, yet authoritative voice. "Marcus, my Luna is not here because she is in a special condition that prevents her from leaving to attend to pack duties." I knew what my father was talking about, a month ago my mother had fallen ill to a cancer, a cancer that can only affect werewolves, the human doctors had never heard of it and had put her into a coma to slow the cancer and prevent it from spreading to quickly. There was a cure, but only werewolves knew of it and there were still very few werewolf doctors that knew of the cure, not to mention that the myth of the cure says that it is extremely hard to get and then make.

The Day-Walker alpha nodded. "Hmm... I see... well then, shall we get this meeting to order?" My father nodded, signaling the standing elders and generals to sit.

The Day-Walkers's alpha, Marcus, motioned to the seat on the right of him, as you can see, my son is not here, yet, he is sill preparing. My daughter however, is here." He motioned to the left of him, past where his Luna, Melissa, I later learned, sat. The girl had long red-orange hair and amber eyes, like her dad. Something seemed familiar about her though, she caught me looking at her and she turned to examine me more closely, I saw a sort of recognition cross her gaze, but she hid it well behind a look of arrogance.

"What? Got something to say?" She sneered.

"No! But I'm wondering if you dye your hair with how red it is! It can't be natural!" I sneered back.

"Of course it's natural you-!"

"Madison." Her father cut in firmly, effectively ending the conversation. "Your brother is coming." He stood and the rest of his pack stood. I looked at my father to see if we had to stand, I noticed the rest of the pack doing the same. He nodded and stood up, the rest of the pack following his role.

I looked to where the Day-Walkers's alpha heir walked in and was startled to be met with familiar blue eyes, blue like the rising dawn.


A/N: the next chapter will be up soon! Please don't kill me! Anyway, I'm excited to see how this meeting will go, how do you think it's going to go? Anyway, I'll see you all next update, bye! ;)


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