Chapter thirty two

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*Antonio's POV*

I am the worst person in the World. Days go by, and on Friday I hate not seeing Lovino at the games. We also lose that game, guess I lost my good luck charm too. After the game I walked to the fence like always, it only makes me more upset

"You're really out of it huh?" Gilbert asked and Francis elbowed him

"He is hurting right now~ leave him alone~"

"Why don't you just talk to him~?" Femke asked

"Lovino~?" I ask and she nods her head "He made it very clear he wants nothing from me~"

"I am the only one in this group who still talks to him~ I see you watch him in science all the time~"

"My parents would never let me~" I say and she sighs

"For once~ in your life~" she begins "Do something for yourself~ and not for mama and papa~" she says

"I need to hit the showers~" I say and run off.

When getting home I sit in the piano room and stare at the piano. My parents are long gone of course but I still feel as if they are watching over me. My phone dings and I see its a text from Lovino

'Don't worry this is the last time I'm using your number, here is the power point, all the parts you say are on the light blue slides.'

I stare at my phone

'Thanks, we could've finished the project together.' I hesitantly hit send and he texts back

'There is no together for us, never was'

When I see that text I felt my heart break, there is a together, or there was. I know he is only saying that because he is hurting and he wants to hurt me back. I know his intentions, and it works. It hurts, I've been hurting, I don't know how people do this. Heartbreak sucks, especially when you broke your own heart. I look over the project, he did it fast. It's due next week, but I guess he just wanted to get it over with.

Over the weekend I do go out with Francis and Gilbert to just get my head cleared

"Are you sure these IDs look real enough~?" I ask in the back seat of Francis's car

"My friend your ID is fine." Gil reassures me

"I can't believe we are doing this~" I say

"It'll be fun~" Francis says

"You know they say getting drunk doesn't help forget problems only makes you think about them more~" I say and they roll their eyes. "I'm serious~!"

"Maybe just stop thinking about everything and relax." Gilbert says

"Easy for you to say~"

"There are a million girls in love with you mon ami~ just chose one~" Francis says

"I don't care about them~! I only care about Lo-" I begin but stop "No one~ I care about no one~"

"Antonio, you need to just get over this. You made your choice already." Gil says as we park at the bar.

No surprise our ID's work, we get in and of course I've been to a bar before, don't question it, but I am just a bit paranoid about everything lately. When we get inside it is very crowded, of course.

After a drink or so I do begin to notice some girl watching me, I try to just not watch her but once the guys head to the dance floor she approaches me

"Whats a guy like yourself doing here all alone~?" she asked and I laughed

"Friends made me come out to get my mind off my ex~" I say trying not to give away much and I'm starting to get drunk

"Well whats sitting here gonna help~?" she asked and she stuck out her hand

"I'm not so sure~" I say and she rolls her eyes

"Just one dance~" she says and I sigh

"Fine~" I say

One dance turns into two, then three, and so on. But when she goes in to kiss me I panic

"I-I gotta go~ I'm sorry~" I say and run outside. I hit the wall of the building, over and over again. I don't feel my hands anymore.

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