The High School Prince

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Sunlight streams through the crack in my bedroom curtains. Displaying the piles of books and random junk I had been going through the night before. Sitting up in bed I grab my phone and see that Emma had texted me after I had fallen asleep.
"I don't care how smart you are. You can't learn how to talk to ghosts it has to be something your born with. Honestly I think the whole show is illogical."
Smiling I text a response.
" Well Mis I know everything. If you have an IQ that is off the charts and you can use your entire brain; I think it is highly possible that you can learn supernatural conversation. Anyway the show gets better in season two; that's when things get real! XD" " And if you didn't like it why were you up till three am watching it. Get some sleep."
I turn on some music and start getting ready for school. My thoughts wonder as I fill my bag with books and pencils.
I takes me a few seconds before I realize someone was speaking to me.
"Conner, are you alright?" A high pitched voice questioned. " You have been staring at that book for quite a long time."
I look up at Tikki who had just woken up; and flown to my side. I shake my head.
"Sorry Tikki; I'm just worried about Emma; she's been gone from school for a long time." She pats my cheek softly.
"I understand; your a caring person which is one of the reasons you make a great LadyBug."
"Thanks I needed that." I pick up my bag and head for the door. "How out some breakfast before we leave?" Tikki grins and sits on my shoulder.
"Great Idea." I could tell Tikki just wanted to distract me from thinking about how much I missed Emma; but I let her: I found she can be a little worry wart when she wants to. As I make my way to the kitchen I saw that the door to Amelie's room was left open. Her unmade bed was empty and she was nowhere to be seen.
She must have gone on a run before school; she does this when ever something is bothering her and she needs to clear her mind. Confident no one was home I walk into the kitchen. I pull out four eggs from the fridge; setting them down I light the stove. I hum along to the music as I scramble the eggs and put some bacon on to fry. Tikki sits on the cat bed by the window; watching the people below. Being a superhero has been strange. It's been a little over a week since the last attack, but I go out every night to patrol just to be safe. Of course it's not just me. Kitty Noir is such a character. Honestly she's really funny, we get along like we have known each other for years. She still won't tell me what happened to the Akuma though. Since there hasn't been anymore attacks since I decided to just let it be. I turn the heat down and movie to start a pot of coffee in the French press. The music fades out and Castle by Halsey plays from my phone. I couldn't help but sing along as the words began. I liked a wide variety of music. I didn't have a favorite band or singer, I had a preference for American artists though. The small bell jingles hanging on the nob of the front door jingles as it opens. Amelie walks into the kitchen, out of breath and sweaty. Her short blonde hair plastered to her head.
"Yummy it smells good in here" she pauses as she takes in the music. "What are you an edgy teenage girl? She reaches for my phone but smack her hand with the oily spatula.
"Change the song and the cat is getting your breakfast." She swiftly takes her hand back knowing I would do it.
"Fine! I'm going to take a shower please call me when the food is done." She disappears down the hallway and the bathroom door slams. As she turns the shower on I could hear her playing PATD.
"And You call me an edgy teenage girl!" I shout. The music turns up.
Last year Dad's are really took off, he got calls from all over the world to attend this and do that. Both him and mom are living in America for the time being. They wanted us to go with them but I couldn't do that to Amelie. After a lot of fuss with my parents they finally allowed us to stay here to finish out Highschool.

I grab the keys to my bike and look over my shoulder to Amelie.
"Did you want to walk or ride with me?" I dangle the keys temptingly. She sighs and grabs her helmet from the hook.
"I'll ride with you. I have to stay humble some how." She flips her hair.

As soon as we arrive at school Amelie jumps off the bike, sprinting for the front doors where Emma was standing. She still looked pale, but her smile was reassuring. Amelie screams and laughs as she grabs her best friend pun in a bear hug.
"OMG Emma your here! I thought you would never be allowed to come to school again. I was all ready to fill out my I'm never coming back to education paperwork." Amelie pinches her, "You do know your the only reason I even go to school." Emma adjusts herself on her crutches and rolls her eyes.  
"Sure Ama, It's not like your parents would fly all the way back to Paris if you missed a day without telling them." Emma's voice is saturated with sarcasm. Tikki pokes her head out of my bag.
"See I told you she would be back today." I laugh.
"You were right Tikki, I owe you some cookies after school."

Class drones on and I doodle on my work page. I glance over at the window that displays the other side of the school. I could see Amelie basically sitting on Emma as she helped he catch up on her work.
"She's really pretty isn't she?"
I sigh "Yeah she is." Then I look up abruptly Ceil was in my face with his stupid face stretched with a grin.
"Ahgh!" I almost tip out of my chair trying to get away from the sudden closeness.
"What is going over there! You better be paying attention because I can assure you this will be in the test."
Ceil sits up and looks over at the teacher.
"Oh I'm sorry Madam, Conner was asking me a question about the three topics choices we have for the paper and it appears I startled him." Pulls me back onto my chair, "Please do continue, I am very sorry for his interruption."
Mis Aplemo sniffs and resumes the lecture. Carefully as to not let her see I whisper Ceil.
"What the hell?" Without looking at me Ceil writes a response of the side of his paper.

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