Drawn to You

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   I always sat behind her. There was no questioning it. She is just a shrimp, but I am for some reason drawn to her in all her short glory. So I sat behind her in every class I have with her. And she doesn't seem to mind, it almost seems like she enjoys turning around and having a bit of some small talk with me.

   She isn't afraid. And, for some reason, I am drawn to that.

   "Gajeel, maybe if you pay attention, you would get all these problems right!" Levy McGarden complained to me, giving me a tired, yet amused glare while pointing to the paper I had yet to finish. "Are you even listening to me?"

   "Of course, I am, shrimp!" She sighed, putting her cheek down on the table and pouting at me. Just then, some friends of her's called out to her and she lifted her head, looking over in the direction of her friends. "Yes?"

   "Levy! Can you help me with this problem?" Droy said, blushing and smiling at her. It was no secret that Levy's companions, Jet and Droy, had major crushes on the shrimp, and yet, even though she had turned them down more than once, they never seemed to give up.

   She smiled apologetically at me and I shrugged. "Sorry Gajeel, I'll help you some other time."

   I grunted, looking away. "Don't bother." She laughed a little then patted my head, like I was some child. Tch, I was taller than her by at least two feet, and yet she treated me like I was her height. She carried her paper, pencil, and glasses over to Jet and Droy, who both looked pleased she had chosen them over me. I sighed and ran a hand through my hair, which had grown to be quite the sight, being spiky and long.

   "Oi! Metal-head, you wanna fight?" Just because I am good with metals and making things with metal (and have more piercings than necessary) doesn't give the idiot the excuse to be an ass about it. Tch, he's probably just jealous of my skills.

   "Shut it, Flame Brain. Go play with your girlfriend." Lucy Heartfilia and Natsu Dragneel had obvious crushes on each other, but refused to get together for unknown reasons other than being complete idiots. At my comment, Lucy blushed profusely, her hands shooting up, and she started to protest. Natsu, who had an intense liking for spicy foods (hence the nickname), glared at me, starting to crack his knuckles in a way of intimidation (it wasn't working).

   Just then, Gray Fullbuster, who had an intense liking for stripping at times that weren't exactly appropriate, pushed at Natsu. "Heh, yeah, Flame Princess, go play with your girlfriend," Gray teased, smirking.

   Natsu scoffed. "Like you're one to talk," obviously referring to Juvia Lockser, who had a crush on Gray (who returned the feelings, but refused to do anything about it).

   Oblivious to what Natsu was talking about, Gray fumed, pressing closer to Natsu in his form of intimidation. "What're you even talking about, dumbass?"

   "Who're you callin' dumbass?!" While the idiots battled it out, and the teacher completely ignored everything, I zoned out. Looking down at the paper that still wasn't finished, I sighed and stuffed it into my bag, figuring I'll get around to it later. Maybe. Well, probably not. No, definately not. I'm not exactly the best student.

   Unlike Levy.

   My thoughts shifted to her, for some strange reason.  She was nice, a little too nice, if I'm being honest. She was working with Jet and Droy, who looked overly-excited about the whole thing. Her blue and choppily cut hair was pushed back with a yellow headband and her brown eyes sparkled while she talked about whatever subject this was. I don't pay attention to anything school-related, if you haven't noticed.

   When people are in love, they always talk about how their lover's eyes are some majestic color, but they're just over-exaggerating. Levy's eyes weren't some crazy color like hazel, or brown flecked with green. They were just brown. And I liked how the color didn't allow much room for over-complicating it (unlike her crazy hair color which I'm still not sure is natural or not).

   What the hell?

   Since when do I think about sappy shit like that about Levy?

   Since you started to think she was cute.

   Tch, she's just a shrimp.

   I sighed in defeat and rested my head on my desk, rolling my pencil around my desk with my index finger. School is so boring. A chunk of ice fell onto my desk. What the hell? I looked up to see Gray throwing ice around at Natsu. Where the hell is he keeping all that ice? In the clothes he doesn't have on? 

   Wait, I shouldn't be worrying about where the ice is coming from, I should be worried about if it hits me. Or Levy. I got up from my seat, putting my best 'ready to fight and not loose' face. Which wasn't all that hard. I started to walk over to the idiots in full intention to fight, when I felt a tug on my shirt.

   I looked back (and down) to see Levy pulling at my shirt with a disapproving look on her face. "Gajeel, fighting isn't right. Someone might get hurt," she said, furrowing her eyebrows and puffing her cheeks out a bit. Cute. 

   I smirked at her, plucking her small hand from my shirt. "Don't worry about it, I'll be fine." She smiled a little at me, scratching the back of her neck.

   "Gajeel, it's not you I'm worried about," she said, chuckling and sighing at the same time, "It's them." Ah, so she has faith in me. "Just wait for Erza to sort it out. She is the student council president, after all." I scratched my head, thinking about it for a second.

   "Alright," I said, disappointment evident in my voice. She smiled at me and I reluctantly smiled back (more like grimaced).

   "So where's your worksheet?" she asked, walking back to our desks. I looked at my bag, wondering if I should lie and say I didn't know. Well, if anyone can get me to pass this grade, it's Levy, so lying wouldn't be my best option if I want to pass. Which I do, so I can get out of this hell hole.

   "...In my bag..."

   "Gajeel!" she scolded, placing her hands on her hips.

   "What? I didn't feel like doing it..."

   "Just because you don't feel like doing it doesn't mean you just not at least start it."

   "Hey, shrimp! I started it!"

   "Writing your name doesn't count."

   We kept bickering like that until she finally managed to convince me to let her help me with it. After helping me, she returned to Jet and Droy, but I didn't mind. Because now I actually understood the pointless shit.

   Well... It's my first Fairytail fanfic, so give me a break, okay? If you can't tell, it's a GaLe fic and I'm sorry if Gajeel's narroration is a bit OOC... I have this strange tendency to make thugs sound educated, so that's how it's going to be for the rest of the story that really has no plot. I'll just go with the flow with this fic (unless someone has an idea that they absolutely HAVE to have me include) and I'll update when I can. So yeah.

   Until next time!!!


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