Daddy? - Jimin

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💫Little - Jimin

⛤Caregiver - Yoongi


All of Bts were watching movies on the TV in the living room. Well all exept Jimin. That poor little tired himself out earlier.

It was compleatly quiet exept the sound of the TV also, all the lights were off only the TV lighting up the living room.

Well the silence didn't last long before they heard the sound of little feet on the wooden floor.

Yoongi looked away from the TV screen and looked at Jimin who was in his Puppy onesie holding a very fluffy Teddy bear close to himself.

Yoongi motioned for him to come over to the couch where he was sat but Jimin didn't move. Just stood there for a little before he started shaking.

Yoongi got up walking around the behind of the couch so he didn't get in the way of the other members.

Yoongi scooped Jimin up into his arms and carried him to his and Jimin's room. Luckily they shared a room together.

"What's wrong Sweetheart? " Yoongi asked putting Jimin on his lap and for some reason Jimin whimpered and tried to get off his lap.

Yoongi tilted his head to the side since Jimin normally bugs him just to sit on his lap but he's trying to get off? Whaaaat?

Yoongi let Jimin get up and Jimin pointed at the floor then his own butt. Yoongi once again looked confused "Use your words baby" Yoongi said calmly

"Jiminie hurt his bum..." Jimin said and looked at the floor seeming embaressed.

Yoongi chuckled and stood up " Baby get your onesie off ill get some ice to help the possible bruise"

Yoongi left the Bedroom once Jimin  over to take his onesie off.

Yoongi walked into the kitchen and looked for a ice pack  (Don't ask )
Wrapped it up in a towel so it's not too cold and went back to his room.

Yoongi walked in and put the ice pack on the bed and went to Jimin's closet picking our some underwear and helping him get them on.

Yoongi placed a pillow on the bed and placed Jimin on his stomach "Are you cold baby?" Yoongi asked and placed the ice pack on the poor Littles sore butt.

Jimin nodded so Yoongi pulled the covers over Jimin and sat on top the covers leaning against the headboard looking at his phone.

Jimin gently tugged Yoongi's shirt "Jiminie want to tell you something..." Jimin motioned Yoongi closer.

Jimin acted like he was about to whisper something in Yoongi's ear but instead kissed his cheek "Thank you Daddy..." Jimin said in a sleepy voice.

Yoongi froze at what Jimin called him
Jimin just called me daddy? Yoongi thought

Jimin sat up a bit and curled up next to Yoongi resting his head on his chest  "Your red daddy are you okay?" Jimin asked innocently looking up at him

Yoongi snapped out of his thoughts and looked down at Jimin not bothered to hide his slight blush since he already noticed it.

Yoongi cleared his throat "Y-yeah baby I'm perfectly fine"  Yoongi said trying to sound convincing which worked.

"Me go sweepy now.."  Jimin said quietly already drifting off to his 'dream land'

Yoongi softly smiled at Jimin and kissed his for head before getting under the covers and cuddling up to him and drifting off to sleep himself.


And no it's not 700 words but my next one I post will be this one is just me saying I'm alive still 😋
I'm not deeaaaad woooo.
Sorry I took a little break since school started up again I'll try post whenever I find time ^-^

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