The tender pregnancy of Harry Malfoy-Potter

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Harry Malfoy, born Potter, was reading quietly in the library of his lovers. Thinking about his lovers, Harry would have sent a doloris to the person who told him he would marry Malfoy, father and son. He sighed, thinking that he will still have to be carried around like a trophy in social gatherings. It is not uncommon that in families, where the father and the son are magical creatures, that they both have the same lover. And he, Harry Potter was their lover. Not that he complains, they are real beasts in bed. No, since I was a kid, Harry tended to attract everyone, now since marriage, it's a lot worse. Despite the fact that Malfoy, senior and junior are formidable wizards, there are always foolhardy. Well, he must think about going to see his mother and his father. Yes, Harry Potter was reading quietly until his lovers decided to explain their strange behavior. He was in a crucial moment of his novel when the two wolves made their tails appear. He made a stop to his lovers showing that he would not talk to them before finishing. The two platinum blonde lovers sighed and waited. Better not be rude for what they have asked him. Five minutes later, Harry lowered his novel.

Well, Harry, we decided to fix the attraction problem. We thought that if you were carrying our children, they should stop. Malfoy Jr. shouted.

Well, it's been a long time, so let's go. Harry washed himself, he turned when he saw that nobody was following him. Well, you did not even expect Ronald Weasley to really go out with me. Draco, you should know, right? He runs after Hermione. And you, Lucius, uncle, seriously, my uncle Remus is married. I had to find a trick for you to accept to make me children. In addition, I laughed well.

Tell me, Draco, did he say good for kids? Children, we do them during the act. Started Lucius, Malfoy Sr.

And, I remember we did not use all the instruments your godfather sent us, Harry.

They both jumped on Harry and made love to him until exhaustion.

 (°   °) 

Lily, when I told you that your Slytherin side rubbed off on our son. Complained James Potter, father of Harry Potter. He was in a living room surrounded by his wife, son, two sons-in-law, and friends.

James, do not complain, you're going to be grandfather. Retorted Sirius. So Harry, what instruments did they use?

Oh, Harry smirked, knowing that his father hated to hear about his son's sex life, they used the black dildo that moves by himself, it's absolutely delicious, despite the fact that they had me left alone on the bed for an hour, to "punish me," they said. They also have ....

Pity, Harry, it's bad enough to have a son-in-law older than me, plus if you tell me about your sex life. Begged James.

Everyone left with a laugh that was hard to calm down. Finally everyone, Malfoy Sr and Jr were smiling calmly.

By the way, what did you give Ron to help you?

For a moment, he wants to ask Hermione to marry him so I promised him tickets to the Caribbean.

Wait, Harry, our tickets to the Caribbean? S'injuria Draco

Yes, that same, I prefer to go to Greece, that gene? He asked, pouting Lucius and Draco.

No of course not. They say.

Come on, you're 10 galleons. Launched Sirius to James

On did you bet this time? Remus asked.

On who wore the panties, my son, Lucius or Draco. Answered Lily, we won, our son will never lower in front of Slytherins. She said proudly.

This is not true! Draco exclaimed, he stooped down many times, he continued with a smirk, he's doing just that.

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