You're Beautiful | A Jai Brooks Imagine.

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Long Jai Brooks #Imagine.

You're in the bathroom of yours and Jai's house crying, sitting in a pool of your own blood. Ever since you started dating Jai Brooks the hate you get gets worse and worse by the hour. You get tweets such as 'Jai's been cheating on you' 'Why would you cheat on Jai?! You slapper' and 'go die, Jai is better off without you'. For a while now you and Jai have been arguing about the rumours, but today the argument got worse. He chose to believe a rumour that you cheated on him, with one of your best friend. You had never cheated in your life so you dont know why there is rumours about you cheating have came from. You locked yourself in the bathroom, you broke the blade of your eyeliner sharpener and started to cut into your arm. You cut "I'm ugly" into your arm, crying, screaming and wincing at the pain. Jai started to bang on the door, from where you had been screaming at the pain. "Y/N, Y/N, OPEN THE DOOR" Jai shouts, he even starts to cry. He knows you've got a history with self harm. You drag your self up and walk to the door, unlocking it. Your arm is at your side, covered in blood. "What have you done?!" He snaps, looking at your arm and clothes. "Nothing" You say. "Let's get you to the hospital" He says. "No!" You shouted, pushing him. "Why?" "Just leave me alone Jai!" You shout, turning on your heals and walk into the bathroom. You start to clean up your arm. You wrap it in a bandage and storm into the bedroom, grab a bag and start to shove your stuff in it. "What are you doing?" Jai asked, standing in the door way, eyes all puffy and red. "Leaving. How dare you. Leave me alone. Delete my number." You said zipping up your bag and storming past Jai leaving the house.

2 weeks later.

Its been two weeks, you hadn't heard from Jai. Your arm is still wrapped up in the bandage. You was having lunch with your friend, James. Who was also in the Janoskians with Jai. "How are you doing babe?" He asked. "Better but arm hurts so much" You say. "What did you do?" He asked. "Don't give me that James, I know Jai told you I self harmed again." You said. "Heard from Jai lately?" James asked. "Nope" You said, eating a bit of your salad. "Don't you care?" He asked. "Of course I do but he accused me of cheating....with my GAY best friend." You said. "He is sorry, really sorry" He said. You start playing around with your salad. "How is he?" You ask, starting to feel a little guilty. "Not good. He won't do the videos anymore. We finally got him out the house he and filming again, then he burst into tears." James said. "Oh" "and he won't stop drinking. He got taken to hospital the other day." He said. "I've been looking after him but..." "Oh, do you want me to go and see him?" "Yeah please. He needs speaking to, from you" He said. You put on your coat, picked up your bag. "Thank you for looking after him" You said giving James a kiss on his cheek before leaving. You got on the bus which gave you 10 minutes to think of what to say. You got to the house, the door was slightly open. "Jai" You shout, opening the door slightly. No response. "Jai" you shout again, stepping into the house. It was a messy and stank. You walked up to the bedroom to see Jai completely crashed out on the bed. You sit next to him, you hand rubs his cheek. "Uhuh" Jai moans. "Jai" You said. He wakes up slightly, looks at you. He was too drunk to talk too. "Go back to sleep, ill speak to you later" You said giving him a kiss on the head. You decide to clear up. You start down stairs. You hover up, polish the surfaces, photos ect, mop the floors, and put all the beer cans in the bin. You wash all the dishes and start on the upstairs. You go to the bathroom first, your blood is still there. "Ew gross" You think to yourself. You scrub so hard in the bathroom as you finish, you turn to see Jai in the door way. "Y/N?" "Yeah, its me" You say, throwing the mop in the bucket. "Can we talk?" You ask. "Sure." You say. You both go into the kitchen. You make yourself and him a cup of tea then sit at the table. "Can I start?" His voice broke. "Okay" You say. "Well, I am so sorry. I should have never believed the rumours. I trust you with my life. I don't know why I believed them, I am really, truly sorry. I love you so so much. I hate myself for letting you walk out. This break up made me realise how much I love you and how I can't live without you. I'm so sorry" He begins to cry into his hands. "Don't cry." You say, leaning over the table, taking one of his hands. "I'm sorry too" You say. "I love you" He looks up at you as if you had just insulted him. "You do?" He asked in disbelief. "Of course I do. Who couldn't love you. I'm sorry I walked out." You say. "Will you be my girlfriend again, please?" He says rubbing his eyes. "You don't need to ask." You smile, leaning over kissing him.

It was about 8pm. Jai had been doodling on the bandage on your arm then he had gone out. You had fallen asleep then woke up. You look at the bandage, Jai had put loads of hearts and in big red letters he wrote "YOU'RE BEAUTIFUL, BABY" You smile to yourself, at the cuteness of Jai. You pull out your phone and decide to text him "I love you so much xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" within minutes he replies "I love you so much more, beautiful! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"

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