Chapter 2

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When I regained consciousness, I was in a room identical to the one I woke in before I was taken to be tested.  Two people were talking in hushed voices in the corner, both scientists and a guard stood by the door.  The scientists didn't look like the one who was with me before and neither did the guard.  They all looked tense as well which confirmed my suspicions that the monster killed them.  This fact meant that they hadn't got to test me but they did know one way to get the monster out. 

The scientists looked like they had confirmed something and signalled the guards to get me.  I stood up before they could touch me and shot a glare at them when they reached out.  I walked forward and they escorted me out of the room, making sure I couldn't run away, which I wouldn't try anyway. 

I was taken to a plain room with clothes inside and was left in their to change I'm guessing.  I put on the grey clothes and put my clothes in the bin.  Won't be using them anymore.  I knocked on the door and was further escorted into a bigger room with benches and a door inside it.  Other people with grey suits were sat on benches opposite each other talking.  I couldn't hear what they were saying but that's good for privacy.  I was taken into the room and the guards left.  I sat as far away from the people as I could while still sitting with them on the benches.

"Hi" a blond haired girl spoke at last.  I didn't say anything.  "Not a chatty one? Ok that's fine"  they continued their conversation whuch I could now hear.
"So anyway, I'm thinking we should leave at night when most of the guards except night shift are asleep and get out then."  A black haired boy spoke.
"Sounds like a plan" A brunette girl said "everyone agree?"  Most people nodded and mubbled agreements but I decided to speak up.

"You will just get yourselves killed"  I said lowly
The blond looked confused and almost shocked "Come on, have you seen how weak them guards are?  Not to mention scared of us"  the others nodded in agreement.
"Yeah, I almost killed one on our last attempt but a sleeping dart got me" the boy said.
"Not by them"
"By who then" said the brunette
"Me"  the reaction they gave was expected.  Confused faces and some laughter.
"How will you kill us.  More importantly, why."
"Not by choice"  I spoke
"Then how?"
"Vague"  A small boy who was maybe 13 or 14 years old, 15 at most voiced.
I took a deep breath "Moonlight wakes the monster"
"The reason I am here"

As I said that a guard came in the door and called out
"Subject 25" I got up and walked out with him, not saying another word but heard whispers on my way out.
'A 25? No wonder she was so serious'
The door closed behind us before i heard any more.


Cliffhanger maybe? I dunno.  Hope you liked it.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 20, 2018 ⏰

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