What a Shame

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Pinky opened a new chatroom.


Pinky: Wedding preparations are a go

Chargebolt is online.

Chargebolt: Oh, well imagine.

Pinky: Hm?

Chargebolt: As I'm pacing the pews in a church corridor

Cellophane is online.

Cellophane: And I can't help but to hear

Chargebolt: I can't help but to hear an exchanging of words.

Pinky: What a beautiful wedding.

RedRiot is online.

RedRiot: What a beautiful wedding says the bridesmaid to a waiter

Chargebolt: Ah, yes, but what a shame

RedRiot: What a shame the poor groom's bride is a

GroundZero is online.

GroundZero: W H O R E .


Chargebolt: no

Cellophane: Let's not do this right now-

GroundZero: Who's getting married?

RedRiot: I'm surprised that you even give a shit?

GroundZero: Shut the fuck up

RedRiot: UwU

Pinky: Aizawa-Sensei and Present Mic!

GroundZero: Well. I mean, we all saw it coming. I'm not very surprised.

Chargebolt: True.

Cellophane: ',:I

Cellophane: Okay well y'all do that, imma just flippity flop outta here

Chargebolt: Noooo

Cellophane: I don't want to be a part of this.

Cellophane is offline.

GroundZero: Wimp

Pinky: Don't call him that, his reasoning is very understandable

RedRiot: Shhh let me handle this

RedRiot: Ahem

RedRiot: Katsuki.

GroundZero: That shit won't work on me. I am superior.

Chargebolt: Ooooooh. So you ARE the top. I win 5 bucks.

Pinky: Huh. I always thought tsunderes were bottoms but okay.

GroundZero has changed GroundZero's name to "KingExplosionMurder".

KingExplosionMurder is offline.

RedRiot: Wow.

RedRiot: Okay well I'm just gonna make sure he doesn't put a giant hole in the wall.

Pinky: Yeah-

RedRiot is offline.

Chargebolt: So like- We voting for Tododeku or Izuchako?

Pinky: I mean, Ura's my homegirl so I kind of have to go for Izuchako?

Chargebolt: I dunno. It's too predictable.

Pinky: True, but she'll stab me if I don't vote for it.

Chargebolt: So how's Ratsuki?

Pinky: Katsuki*

Pinky: He's not a fucking rat

Chargebolt: I thought it was a girl?

Pinky: Well...

Pinky: It wasn't actually a nipple is all I can say.

Chargebolt: ...

Chargebolt is offline.

Pinky: Don't leave me T_T

InvisibleGirl is online.

InvisibleGirl: What the actual fuck

Pinky: Um

InvisibleGirl: Are you

Pinky: Well

Pinky: I can explain?

InvisibleGirl: You can't do this kind of stuff! You'll be caught and expelled! I don't want to lose you

Pinky: I know I know, I'm sorry.

Pinky: I don't want to get rid of him though

InvisibleGirl: I didn't even know about it. Why didn't you tell me? I could've helped you before it ended up reaching this point

Pinky: It was supposed to be a secret between us, I'm sorry.

InvisibleGirl: I'm just... worried

Pinky: Smuggling a raccoon isn't easy, but we can still try

InvisibleGirl: What raccoon?

Pinky: What do you mean "What raccoon"?????

InvisibleGirl: Oh...

InvisibleGirl: There's a raccoon in the dorms...

InvisibleGirl: And you named it Katsuki

InvisibleGirl: ...

Pinky: Yeah... What else did you think I was talking about

InvisibleGirl: Well um

InvisibleGirl: This is awkward

InvisibleGirl: Wow would you look at the time, I need to go now bye

InvisibleGirl is offline.

Pinky: I will fucking stab someone

RedRiot is online.

RedRiot has changed KingExplosionMurder's name to "GroundZero".

RedRiot: Wait what

Pinky: Toru thought I was questioning Bakugou's gender I think?

RedRiot: What the fuck

Pinky: Jfc I shouldn't have named him Katsuki-

RedRiot: Well you can't change his name, that would give him confusion!

Pinky: But what if someone walks in on us talking about Katsuki? That could hurt Bakugou's reputation-

RedRiot: Lmao. "Did you feed Katsuki?"

Pinky: Lolololol. "I'm gonna give Katsuki a bath tomorrow."

RedRiot: "Katsuki slept in my bed last night."

Pinky: "Katsuki shit under the desk."

Tenya is online.


RedRiot is offline.

Pinky is offline.


Tenya is offline.

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