flower i love

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"Oh thank god! I'm finally free of her!" We were at the end of my street, and could now longer see my house.

"Oh come now. You don't really mean that. Do you?" Zain looks at me with a smirk.

"Of course I do!" I give him a smirk back.

We are on our way to Pennsylvania. We live in Virginia. That's about a three to four hour drive.

"I'm glad, too." His smirk turns into a large grin.

"And why is that?" I ask.

I can see out of the corner of my eye that he's coming closer to my face. He then kisses my check. I turn bright red. He always does this, but I still blush.

"Because I get you all to myself."

I love him so fucking much! But I'm pretty sure he doesn't like me back. He always kisses my check and holds my hand, ever since we were small. And we're friends just because our parents are friends. I'm gay and I've know that since I was five. I know Zain isn't. He's straight. He just does these things because we're best friends. I know that other people don't do it, but for some reason Zain has always done it.

I remember when I got jealous when he was going out with this one chick. Jane, I think her name was. Eh, I didn't really care. I just liked the fact that we're in the same car together. I'll take anything now these days, what with the whole vampire outbreak happening. It's been really hard seeing anybody.

Just because the government is saying 'stay inside at all times, especially at night! So no one else gets affected!'

I'm actually fine with this. I've always loved vampires. I find them so cool. What with their fangs and their lust for blood and them only coming out at night. Now that was actually wrong, vampires can come out during the day and be totally fine with sunlight. That's why we have to stay inside at all times. I was lucky enough to talk my mom into letting me go with Zain to Pennsylvania.

Since this happened only four months ago everyone is still getting use to it. Well I mean there's no school anymore, and not many people go to work any more. And the only time you go outside is when you really need to. Sure the vampires can still get you, I've seen it on the news countless times. But like with some laws and stuff, like no under age drinking and smoking. No ones going to stop you if your sixth teen and buying a whole case of fucking beer!

I find it weird that other laws are enforced more now,too. Like no killing anyone. We're killing vampires every single day, and in return they kill a human! Maybe if you stop killing so many vampires they might stop killing us!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2014 ⏰

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