Chapter 1

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The chinook shuddered, as a crack filled the body. A gash opened up, and pulled me out. The air rushed past, as I tumbled for a few seconds. I made contact wth the forest below, screaming through branches and the like. A sudden thawck stopped my horizontal decent, but not my vertical.  So landing hurt. A lot. I picked myself up, no clue of where I am or where the others are. The forest was thick. Trees blocked the natural sunlight, and shrubs sprawled across the ground. I looked at my compass; broken. It pointed north, so that's where I went. I just hoped that I run into civilisation soon.

Three hours passed and I still trudged through the forest. I heard the occasional rustle in the leaves, and a murmur once or twice. I chose to ignore it, and keep walking. I kept my pace constant, not wanting to stop, getting the eerie feeling I was being tracked. You know that feeling? The one where you're sure you're being watched, judged. Like boot camp, except it's not. Eventually I found myself at a river crossing. The water ran fast, the current way too strong to swim against. A fallen tree looked like a bridge. Strangely enough, it looked like it had been carved, to give it more stability. As I walked over to it, I saw on the side runes craved into it. It was like something you'd see in a fantasy game. I went to cross it, but something, not physical, pulled me back. Like something was inside my head. I heard the same murmur from before, only now right behind me. I froze up. I felt a presence behind me, larger, stronger. I dreaded turning around, feeling hot breath on my shoulder and neck. "What brings you to my land, Feliaen?" A voice inquired behind me, with no hesitation at all. The voice was feminine, but it still had a foreboding feeling, a feeling of power. "Well? Are you going to answer, or will I have to squeeze it out of you? I'm more than happy to do either...." At that moment, I went for my 1911, but felt a hand clench around my entire body, almost crushing me. I dropped my gun, crying out in pain as the had released pressure. The clatter if metal on wood sounded, as I was lifted into the air. I was turned, facing a dark skinned Elven woman, her deep purple eyes staring into me. She grinned, and pulled me close, her breath surrounding my face. She opened her mouth, licking my face, before sliding me into her bust, without another word. It was like I was trapped, as she began to giggle, me becoming her new toy.

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