I & my brother are in love

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"*save me xinlong....."*unknown

*"who is this? and why you want me to save you*"xinlong 

"it's me, Lisa...I'm in trouble..."*unknown

"*what?wh-what happened? where are you?!"*xinlong

"*at school...but please be careful, cause Mark is with me call the police and come with them*"

"*ok I'll be there as soon as possible"*

xinlong told the other what's going on, so they called the police and they went to school

**at the school** 


I was kidnapped by Mark he had a crush on me but I didn't love him back, "we'll be happy together my future wife just wait until my boys come" he said as he put a knife on my neck, "put your hands up the police are here!!!!!!!!" the police came and got him they saved me and took some information from me about him,then I saw xinlong I ran to him and hugged him tightly, "longlong I missed you so much thanks for saving me!!" I said as I kissed his cheek he blushed then smiled "I'll be always by your side Lisa" he hugged me gently and that's what I call true love 

**at Lisa's house**


I took Lisa to her house she was scared and happy at the same time, "thanks longlong if you didn't come I'd probably be unhappy with that creepy guy" she said with a little smile on her face "it's nothing just be careful next time" I never been this strong with her (I mean duh she is my crush I was so scared around her but this time I was a man!) "*sigh* thanks again longlong you're my hero!" she got closer she was about to kiss my cheek but I turned my head then our lips met, she smiled at the sweet short kiss and I blushed so bad "*giggle* goodnight xinlong" she waved at me and entered the house "ah!yeah goo-goodnight Lisa!!" I waved back, I felt like I was drunk my love just waved at me that's what I always dream about!! 

**at the studio**

my brother is in love "boystory  xinlong"Where stories live. Discover now