Chapter 10: If my dad loves me, he will make Leonardo DiCaprio go to my funeral

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Chapter 10: If my dad loves me, he will make Leonardo DiCaprio go to my funeral

Cody's P.O.V.

I'm not saying that I will beg Barbara to let me sleep in this mattress with her tonight, but I totally will. It's the most comfortable place to sleep, it's soft but at the same time it's firm so it just looks like you're sleeping in a sweet cloud, or maybe it wasn't the mattress, but yes the fact that the whole room had that amazing scent all over it. Or should I say, Barbara's scent all over it.

She has a strange, yet, addictive scent. It's a fruity fresh yet soft scent, it's a mix of lime and seaweed, perfect to make me sleep as a baby. You know... It kind of reminds me of Australia. She reminds me of it all.

As my dream went on and on - and let me tell you dreaming with hot models that are all up on you, it's the sexiest thing ever, oh and I may be wrong, but the model that took off my shirt was totally Miranda Kerr - I started moving on the warm comfy mattress, it was probably because as the models stopped seducing me, I started surfing.

As I moved a little bit more to the left, the scent I was so used to, got even stronger.

Sweet, Barbara is sleeping right next to me.

That made me smile and I rolled to her side so our bodies would be in touch with each other, and since she was in an unconscious - you can call it sleeping - state, I could press her body really closer to mine and relax with her on my arms - something that she totally wouldn't let me do if she was awake.

But as my arm moved to my side I didn't find her body, so, smart as I am, I decided to roll to the left thinking that she was further from me. But she wasn't, she wasn't even there.

How did I discover it? Easy. I rolled on the mattress so much that I ended up face palming the floor.

Ouch, that hurt.

"Damn" I breathed out as I sat on the floor and rubbed my temple and nose.

I looked around, my eyes were still trying to adjust to the light that was coming from the window, and even after my eyes were fine again and my vision wasn't a blur anymore, I couldn't find Barbara in the room.

So I've been looking like a retarded trying to hug Barbara and all, but can you blame me? She is so amazing and she is funny, she's just perfect, no matter what kind of relationship you get with Barbara, she will always be like that, you just have to convince her to let you get into her life.

"Where is that little chipmunk?" I asked myself as I got up.

I didn't want to look kind of curious and search for her in the whole house, it wouldn't be really polite and then I had just woken up and I was feeling like going back to bed, I was so sleepy and the blankets were calling my name...

I remembered that I had to call my mom so she wouldn't get worried since I was only supposed to be out for one hour or so.

I took my phone out of my pocket and dialed my mother's number. I knew she would be a little bit mad for me not going home tonight, but if I told her I was with Barbara she would be okay with it - thanks god I'm 18 already and they don't give me the talk anymore, well not that a little talk stopped me from doing it.

It rang twice before my mom picked up, she always takes her time to pick up the calls, it's a weird mom, but I love her the way she is.

"Hey mom" I started with my still husky voice.

"Hey son... Love, have you been sleeping? Where are you? Are you okay? Are you on your way home? Wait are you driving?! Oh young man never call me while driving! And did you wake up and started driving? What have I told you, n-" Mom started dramatizing.

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