The Knife and Ductape

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Version One 

A woman pulls into a gas station to fill her tank. While the attendant pumped gas she told him she was in a rush to see her daughter. She was going to pick her up from school.

A man, who was dressed very well, walked over to her car and began to chat with her. He explained how his car had died on him and he was headed north for an appointment. The woman just so happened to be going the same way so she offered him a ride. He needed to make a quick stop in the men's room so he placed his briefcase in the backseat.

The woman glanced at the clock and realized she was running late. She quickly pulled off, totally forgetting about the man she had promised a ride to. Her main focus was to pick her daughter up on time.

She didn't remember the man until she saw the briefcase in the back. She felt horrible for forgetting about him. She quickly opened the briefcase so she could find some information on how to find him. The only thing she found inside though was a knife and a roll of duct tape.

Version Two

A young lady was leaving the mall only to find that her car had a flat tire. A well dressed man with a briefcase walked up to her and asked if he could help her. She didn't want to be a bother so she told him she would just call AAA. They told her she would have to wait a little over an hour just for a truck to come out. The man insisted that he would be able to help her fix it. Not wanting to have to waste anymore of her time she agreed.

Once he finished, he asked if she could drive him to the other side of the mall where his car was parked. Glancing at her watch, she told him she couldn't because she was already lait to get home. It was her daughter's birthday. The man accepted her answer and left.

When the woman returned home she told her husband everything that had happened. The husband went out to check the tire and saw that the man had left his briefcase in the back. The husband brought it in the house and opened it to see if he could find information on the man to find him.

There were five items in the briefcase; a rag, chloroform, duct tape, a body bag, and an icepick

 Version Three

A woman was leaving the mall after her shopping spree to go home. She loaded her bags into the trunk and as she slammed it shut she noticed an old woman by her passenger door. The old women asks if she could have a ride home. She had been walking all day and was very tired. She didn't have a car of her own to drive.

The woman tells her she would take her home. As she made her way to the driver's side, she started to feel a bit uneasy. She wasn't sure why but something about this just didn't feel right. Once she got in the car, she looked into her purse and pretended that she had lost a credit card. She told the old women that she would go inside to see if anyone had found it. The old lady said she would keep put.

The women went inside and found a security guard. After explaining the situation to him they went back to her car. The passenger door was wide open and the lady was gone. In the seat was a bag the old lady had been carrying. Inside was the old women's dress and a grey wig, along with a buthcher's knife and a roll of duct tape.

This version is a bit different from the other two, but they still have a person who plans to murder a young women.

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