Demi Prov: My days start off the normal I wake up to hearing my mom and dad fighting about there jobs My sister still sleeping then theres me Im playing my bass Guatir and I'm Finishing learing heaven Gate by Fall Out Boy.
I already know the lyrics I just have to learn the cords I just need more time before I can post a cover of me singing Heaven gate for a Fall out boy contest If I win this.I will be so happy I'm doing this to better myself and my family.
The yelling of my name brings me back down to reality my mom always has a way of ruining something good.lets see what my mom has to yell at me about this time as I walk down the stairs I hear the door slam behind me I turn around and I saw my dad leave out the door. I'm use to that sound its like a song that gets overplayed on the radio
Mom: Demi what have I told you about that stupid Guitar And music thats how you ruin yourself sweetie Stop I don't want you to end up like your father.
Demi: Mom I'm in Highschool you cant keep my trying to keep this perfect look when we are not a perfect family mom! Just stop with this boil shit okay.
I scream at my mom more than once but she needs to hear me out.I dont want to be miss pom pom girl anymore.I want to do music what I love not what she loves. I plug my headphonees in and listen to my music as my head spin at the words my mom just told me.
FanfictionFall Out Boy is looking For a fifth member in the band is looking for a second lead singer this might be demi onlu chance to leave this shit whole that she calls home and do what she loves the most Music.Demi can finally do music her way Not her mom...