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Does loving one negate the love for another?

And what if the last words they said were just "some day"?

How long before before we don't have to go back to each other?

And is even this such an awful thing to say?

Because I can't help that I feel the same for him. 

Because I don't want to give up on them.

Because I'm lonely and he's still here.

Because I don't really want to wait a year.

And of course I miss them

And I don't want to betray them

But I almost kissed him

And I want to save him

Because he hurts like I hurt

And I know I can convince him

But I can't if I'm lying about how I feel

Because how I feel contradicts everything he says about himself.

And "some day" is a phrase

That melts hope away

Before you realise it.

It's a not a month, a year, it's not even a promise.

Not really.

It's... it's...

It feels like an excuse.

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