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To the only boy I have ever loved,

When I think of all the boys I've loved before, I realize that those were only crushes and the only one I have ever loved is you. It hit me the other day as I was driving home from a friend's house. Somehow, after I pulled out of her driveway my thoughts turned to you, which isn't out of the ordinary when you cloud my thoughts daily. With a big smile on my face and this feeling in my chest that I had never experienced before I declared, "I think I love him" aloud in my empty car with a country love song playing on the radio in the background. I giggled thinking how ridiculous it sounded, but it was true. When had my innocent crush turned into love?

Maybe it happened when you went away to college out of state, and I would count down the days until you came back to work over the winter or summer break, and I would announce it to our coworkers every time.

Maybe it was all those times you made me feel special. The days when I needed your reassurance and without any hesitation you would send me snapchats from hundreds of miles away with the caption "Chin up you can do it" or "I believe in you". Or maybe it was you randomly snapchatting me pictures of you shirtless in bed with your dog. For a moment I would imagine being the only girl that received those.

Maybe it was witnessing all those times you treated my family like your own making weird animals noises at each other or bringing your wrestling masks to work, so we could have a fake wrestling photo shoot.

Maybe it was when you asked me to dance, and we both two-stepped the night away enjoying the country music on the drive home as you fell asleep in my backseat.

Maybe it was when you would look at me from across the room and remind me to smile or point to your mouth and smile reminding me to do the same.

Maybe it was that one time I did a little dance, and I looked up and caught you watching me. You laughed imitating my little dance making me feel embarrassed but happy that we had shared a moment in a room with our coworkers zooming by as we worked into the wee hours of the night.

Maybe it was all those times you never showed how tired you were and made anything seem possible like that huge wedding with only four of us were working. You found a way to make anything seem possible.

Those are just some of the moments that could have led me to love you, and I thank you for that. I know I will never have the courage to tell you how I feel, so for now I will cherish every moment I get with you.


The girl who loves you.

Maybe: A love letterWhere stories live. Discover now