Life Update

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Hey guys, I've been seeing your direct messages and comments on this book as well as Collecting The Zodiac. I love seeing how much you guys enjoy the story and how many of you have connected with specific characters. Many of you have also mentioned how it's like a breath of fresh air from other Zodiac stories and I wanted to make the general theme of this story a bit more clear before getting into the update on my life.

So, the reason this is different from your 'typical' zodiac story is because it isn't exactly based off of the zodiac. This is a heavy sci-fi / fantasy / drama book. I got the names of the main characters from the zodiac and there are attributes that do correlate to them, but they're not THE zodiac. 

Ya feel me?

Also; if you're here for love and romance and good times, I'd clock out in about three chapters.

These characters are soldiers, they've been raised from young childhood, infancy for some, to be soldiers. They know their orders and they follow through with them. They are the elite of the elite you could say, so they are a bit more lax and with Palace as a father figure type; they can get away with most things.


Okay, so I haven't been...great. I've been okay and fine most of the time, but not great. Today is September 12th, and I moved back to college on August 18th of this year (2018, hello people in the future!) and uhh I didn't mind move back at all really.

I mean sure, being hours away from my love isn't ideal but he'll be joining me down here in the spring semester (I'm excited for that!!) 

So, I've been in a huge slump. I haven't been able to write since April 20th, I know that specifically because that was the last edit done with the (hopefully) next chapter of KoK. I was ready to get back into writing when I moved back to college and I'm still ready. I'm eagerly waiting for that!

I got the news before I moved back that we would have to put down my sweet, sweet pup Sooie soon. She was 15 years old and the best dog in the world. She ate everything she could get and could scale our 7-foot fence simply to explore the neighborhood, but still the best. So I had to go home September 7th through the 9th and been with my baby girl. On September 5th ((Sorry for all the dates, I just feel like it gives you guys a better understanding of the time frame and how close everything was/is)) my dad texted me and told me that his cancer was back. 

My father has Liposarcoma, which is a rare cancer of the fatty tissue in your body. Usually it occurs in the thighs but good ol dad got it in his abdomen. He was diagnosed and went through three surgeries in April 2016 until December/January of 2016/17. His scans leading up to this new news had been clear. They'd been clear for nine months so we were pretty happy. 

So that was really drawn out and y'all didn't need to know my entire life history from two years back but ya got it. So yeah. I had to put my baby down, my dad's rare cancer is back, and I cant write.

I mean, I can. Look at this. But I don't know what to write or how to write what I want to. Whenever I try, it just looks like I'm back in 6th grade and thinking I'm the shit (I mean I was, but hush) and reading it now and cringing so hard.

So yeah. 

Life Hard

Me stressed

Book on Hiatus

Will Write Soon

Love you all!!

                             XOX LDK

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