One shot

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A/N: Did I say I can't update? lol ✌🏼

Reminder, this is the "English" convo.

And, this is the "Japanese" convo.

I'll also be using 1920's slangs and how it will be spoken, in some english convos. 😏

Don't be confused with their conversations, I am purposely alternating them (from english to japanese)



(Sana's Side)


Sana rolled her eyes and removed her headset after hearing her mom's loud voice calling her from downstairs. She's currently relaxing on her bed while reading a book.

"Yes, mom?" She shouted back.

"Me and your father will visit a friend and gonna do some groceries after! We will be back before dinner to cook, so please clean the basement! "

"Urgh- yes, mom!"

Moments later, she heard the door shut and a car roared seconds later. She then got up and look out of her window and saw her parents' car driving off.

"Urgh- let me just clean the whole house just not the basement." She mumbled.

Minatozaki Sana is the only child and their family is currently living in New York due to her father's work. They had transferred for almost five years already.

In terms of language, she is also very fluent in speaking english, but only have a few friends. Not because she's having a hard time communicating, but rather she's still not used to the American culture. She gets embarrassed and surprised seeing some couples randomly making out in the side of streets, or at the side alleys where lots of people passing by.

Some people are really shameless, is what she first thought at the very first month of their transfer. Ever since then, she doesn't come out often even when invited with her college friends. She is somehow intimidated with some, especially at how guys hit on her. She gets annoyed at their lame pick-up lines and obvious gestures, so that's why she had never dated any-not yet. She just thinks all of them were sex-thirst jocks after seeing the lust on their eyes.

Sighed. Sana is now facing the basement door along with a feather duster and a broom in hand.

"I find American houses weird, especially the basement. Why do they have the storage room in the basement-it's creepy." She mumbled. "Ugh- too many American horror movies is not good at all."

Turning the knob, she then switched on the lights. Gladly, there is sunlight passing by the basement window. A full blown of scattered old books, newspapers and boxes decorated the whole dusty room. When she took a step, she accidentally bumped onto the pile of boxes on her sides.

"Geez- when was the last time this room was invaded with a living?" She mumbled and settled the broom on the sides along with the duster.

Sana roamed around the dusty room passing by some box-and-book filled shelves.

"Is this even our things? I don't remember our things this many."

She started peeking at the open boxes and found some old books and plushies. There, she also found lots of Star Wars plushies making her smile.

"Whoever owns this must like Star Wars very much." She smiled unknowingly while holding the plushie. "Hmm. . . this stuff toy is so antique."

When she checked the other toys, it had an initials 'C.T. '05'

"C.T. '05?" She read. "-05, means 2005? So, an antique toy like this belongs to a child?" A thought came. "Wait, no. Since it's 2018 already, the kid is already on his teens or same age as mine. Probably. . ."

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