⌜ fifteen ⌟

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mark smiled as he was staring at the younger who was talking to jaemin and renjun

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mark smiled as he was staring at the younger who was talking to jaemin and renjun. the younger knew the two because of p.e where donghyuck's section with mark and jeno was mixed with jaemin's section.

after jaemin and jeno's break up, jeno quickly forced the teachers to transfer him to mark's section, which of course he used money for them to agree. but what jeno forgot is that his last section, with jaemin, was paired with mark's during p.e well, at least it's not that awkward anymore since mark is there.

look at you, very whipped.❞ jeno said, truthfully not interested but he was uncomfortable with silent mark.

it would be fine if donghyuck was there, eating lunch together with them, but the younger is at the table where his ex is. so he can't just go and force donghyuck to sit with them, he can't even look behind with because his ex is just there.

whipped?❞ mark hummed, the tone was dreamy like

making jeno scrunch his nose, cringing at the tone mark used ❝is koeun that whipped-worthy?

he's not even sure if mark is staring at koeun but he guessed he is because koeun's table is also located behind his shared table with mark.

mark was too busy looking at someone that he didn't hear what jeno just said. the cafeteria was also noisy, not letting mark hear what jeno said but anyways, mark nodded.

that smile..❞ mark said, all attention to the person with jaemin and renjun ❝i would die just to see that smile.

the guy listening to mark just nodded his head, half listening and half focused on his food.

his voice..❞ mark sighed as he heard donghyuck laugh ❝he could shout at me the whole day and i won't even complain.

jeno's attention was at the food that he didn't clearly hear mark referring to a boy, a guy, a male. but moments later, he realized what mark said and actually choked from his food. ❝h-he?

he?❞ mark rest his head on his two palms, not even understanding what jeno said but neither did he care ❝yes, he's so beautiful.

all along, jeno thought mark was looking at koeun but it was donghyuck. but mark is straight, how can he describe a guy like how he describes a girl.

the older took the moment to admire donghyuck from afar while remembering the talk they had with taeyong and his parents.

what do you love about mark?❞ his father questioned

donghyuck tightened his grip at mark's hand, not knowing what to answer. he wasn't even that close to mark even though he lives inside the older's room. the two has been together for only a month? or even just weeks.

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