Blem :P

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Y/N=your name
B/F/N= best friends name
H/C=hair color
E/C=eye color
You are also the same age as 2D in phase 1 (26)
You know all that jazz

Your name is Y/N, you work at a thrift store and you are the manager there. Your shift starts at 5:00pm and it is 4:30pm, so you had a shower, ate some cinnamon toast and coffee for breakfast, brushed your teeth, brushed your hair and bangs (your haircut is a bob up to your shoulders), you put on a black longsleeve shirt that is cropped enough to show your belly, then you grabbed your yellow and pink plaid overall skirt and you put it on, then you put on your socks that were white with a blue and red stripe that wraps around the top of the socks, followed along with your converse shoes, your last accessorie was your red beanie and then you goT thE friCk ouTta thEre becuAse it wAs 4:50pm, but 5 minutes is all you really need to get there.

Once you arrived, you opened up and did your usual routine of doing nothing because no one really shops at thrift stores everyday, so that meant that sometimes you would just sit there, do nothing but still get paid,  which was fine with you because you got paid a fair amount.

While you waited for some customers, you went in your office and you put in your earphones. You scrolled through your playlist and put on RIDE BY 21 PILOTS. You figured no one would probably come here today which was because it was a kind of rainy day, so you started singing out loud and damn you sounded great.

🎶I been thinking to much~

🎶I been thinking to much~

🎶Help me~

When the song finished, you walked out to check on everything. Little did you know that a group of what seemed to be 3 guys and a small girl, it looked like they had been waiting for a while and they didn't take thier eyes off of you, meaning that they definitely heard you."C-Can i help you guys?". One of the guys opened thier mouth and said"Yew 'ave an amazing voice luv!". You blushed a little at this comment. "Thank long were you guys listening for?".
"The whole time" they all said. "U-uhh W-well...m....what brings you all here?". "Clothes shopping" the strange green man said. "O-oh I'm sorry about keeping you all waiting, are you ready to buy your things?". "Yes yes" said the green man. "Okay, that will come to $10.50". The green man hands you the money and the group walk out "except for the one with blue hair". He handed you a piece of paper that had what seemed to be his phone number."I know it's creepy, having a stranger give yew thier phone number, but i want to see yew again....that was my band by the way....yew should come and watch us when yew finish work!". "Sure thing! I would love to watch you guys play, by the way...what's your name?". 2D facepalms himself and sighs. "I'm so stupid that i forgot to introduce my self! My nick name is 2D and everyone calls me that, or yew can call me by my real name..Stuart..Stuart Pot!". "What a cute name and nick name haha...I'll call you stuart! My name is Y/N! I will also give you my phone number"."that is a beautiful name...Y/N...bueatiful just like yourself~". You blush a little and thank him as you hand him your phone number. "Bye Staurt!". "Cya soon Y/N"

2D x reader lemon x MurdocWhere stories live. Discover now