Chapter 5

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I grumbled to myself, taking the only opened seat left at the table after Trevon sat down, which was directly across from the man himself – Eros. My eyes stayed glued to my menu, only looking up to glance at Trevon a few times.

Yet, Eros's gaze stayed on me. The entire time. I didn't have to look up to see him looking at me. I could feel it. The heat of his stare.

Truth was, I didn't want to look up. If I did, I was afraid my face would redden, and he would know all of the things I dreamt about last night. It was absurd, but I couldn't risk it.

Maria and her friends laughed at something Eros said, they leaned across the table, sending our neighbors a clear view of their chests. I rolled my eyes, trying to drown out their annoying voices. Trevon talked with the table, easily making friends with all of them, but I stayed silent, not daring to look up.

After ordering, Trevon's hand curled around my waist and he leaned in closer to me. "Is everything alright? You're tense."

I swallowed hard, plastering the best fake-smile I could muster. "Everything is fine."

He raised a brow at me. "We can go if you want."


Let's go.

Go far away from here.

Far away from this table.

Far away from Maria's cackling expression.

Far away from Eros's smoldering stare.

I shook my head, but we couldn't. Trevon was actually having a good night. Something that hasn't happened for a while now. I didn't want to ruin it. Even if it meant staying here with him. "No... no. We just ordered. We can stay."

Trevon smiled, planting a kiss on my cheek and turned back to the table. From under the table, something grazed against my leg. I pressed my lips together, trying to ignore it, when it happened again and again and again, slowly brushing the inside of my leg, making its way up it.

"Quit it," I whisper-yelled across the table, still not looking at him.

He continued.


Still, his foot brushed against mine.

I raised my gaze, glaring over at Eros. His expression was blank at first, narrowing his eyes at me as if he was trying to figure me out. Just as I was about to look away, the corners of his lips turned into a smirk. And, his eyes darkened, as dark as they were in my dream.

My eyes widened. My dream.

Heat crept up the sides of my neck and, soon, enflamed my cheeks.

Gosh, he had to remind me of that stupid dream.

Did he know? Did he know that I dreamt about him pleasuring me last night? Did he know that I begged for him last night?

Get yourself together! Of course, he didn't know. Of course,...

"How was your night last night, Dani?" The words rolled off his lips effortlessly.


"Just good?" His brow cocked.

I pressed my lips together. "Just good," I repeated. Actually, it was amazing. Actually, I secretly hoped I'd have another dream about him tonight.

Bringing his drink up to his lips, he nodded. His jaw clenched, defining his features. He almost looked... angry? "We'll have to fix that, next time."

My eyes narrowed at him. "What did you just say?"

His brows knotted together, and he brushed off my question, turning back to the table. His foot continued to brush against mine from time to time.

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