Chapter Eleven

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After the fun they had in the library, it was time to have some lunch. Raven decided to freshen up in her room before going back to the kitchen. Once in her bathroom Raven began brushing her hair to get rid of the mess it had become.


Raven spun around at the strange voice but saw nothing. She decided it was nothing but her imagination and continued to brush her hair.


Raven dropped the brush and peaked into her room to see the mirror by her robe was smashed to pieces. Shocked and a bit frightened she hurries from her room I to the hallway only to run into the same servant that has helped her dress.

"Oh Miss Raven, is everything alright?" the servant asks.

"Oh, um yes but my mirror has broken and I'm afraid to cut myself on the pieces, would you mind helping me miss?..."

"Bree Miss". She said her name and spoke softly to the girl.

"Yes I'll clean it while you eat, please, the master is waiting on you in the dining hall." Raven nodded and walked down the corridor to the eating area, still shocked at the whole mirror situation.


Raven entered the kitchen area to find the kind old cook. Remembering his name was Crow, they spoke about her lunch, he smiled kindly and then ushered her into the other room. She decided she liked the old man, so far everyone had been so kind. She found herself loving this place more and more, even if her situation wasn't of her own choice, she didn't regret anything.

Walking into the dining area she saw Nyx. Same as always, reading a book and sipping on tea with those glasses. She would never admit it aloud but those glasses were the most attractive thing she had ever seen on a woman.

Nyx smirked and smiled at the young girl. "Hello dear, how are you feeling?"

Seeing the playfulness in her eyes, Raven blushed and spoke. "Very well actually, and yourself?"

She sat in her usual chair across the table and Nyx frowned slightly. The elegant woman stood and glided across the room and extended her hand.

"Please, come sit closer to me." she spoke softly.

Raven's hand reached out and grasped the woman's hand. Chills being sent down her body, she rose up and moved to the chair left of Nyx. The servant girl, Fae was there and she moved the rest of her plates and cutlery over to her new seat.

"I would like Miss Raven's place to be set here from now on." she spoke to her servant.

The young lady simply replied with a "Yes ma'am" and left the room.

Blushing again Raven turned to peer at her mistress. Staring at her soft and elegant features. She couldn't believe someone this beautiful existed, nevertheless would be..... So interesting.

Crow and Fae came in then to serve their lunch. They both ate in silence but a comfortable silence. Smiling and sneaking peeks at one another.

Patting her lips with her napkin Nyx spoke, "I have some things to take care of but you're more than welcome to go into the library and read. My business will most likely take all day so I may not see you till tomorrow sadly."

Hearing this made Raven a bit sad but also relieved. Some space from Nyx might be okay considering.... Raven blushed again and Nyx smirked behind her napkin.

"If you need anything, find any one of the servants and they will help you." She stood gracefully, stepping around the table to come closer to Raven's side. She grasped the young girl's hand, closing her other around it and rubbing gently.

"I hope you have a wonderful day dear." She pulls her top hand away and kisses Raven's, sending tingles through the young woman. They both smile and Nyx glides out of the room, leaving Raven a bubbling mess in her chair. She finished her tea and decided to head back into the library.

When she arrives she is greeted by the warmth of the fireplace and quietly closes the door. She plucks a book from the shelf and sits on the sofa, twirling a loose strand of hair as she reads. She hears a creak and turns to see the door opening. Bree steps inside holding many books, she walks across the room and puts one away, turning she gasps and drops the rest of the books.

Stuttering she says, "Oh miss Raven I did know you were here! Forgive my intrusion.. I was returning these..." She bends down and collects the books.

"You like to read too?" Raven asks.

A small smile creeps onto Bree's face. "Yes I do miss." Raven sets her own book aside and walks over to the girl.

"Do you have a favorite? I'd love it if you would share it with me."

The young servant thought for a moment and walked over to a nearby shelf. Picking up a book she hands it to Raven,

"This is my favorite book in the whole world, I could recite it word for word. I hope you enjoy it."

Raven took the book and smiled. "Thank you Bree."

The maid smiled and spoke softly. "I must return to my duties, have a nice day miss Raven " She smiled one last time and scurried out of the room.

Raven glanced at the book and set it in her ever growing pile. Happy that today she made a new friend and found another wonderful book to add to her collection. After an hour or so of reading in the library, Raven decided to leave and head to her own room. Upon entering she saw her mirror had been replaced and her fireplace was lit. Sitting on her couch she glanced around the room. A cold breeze sent chills down her spine.

My window is closed

Why is there a breeze?

Standing up, Raven looked about and saw something strange. Her mirror was up against the wall but she could clearly see an opening. Moving the heavy mirror she pressed the panels of the wall until one side popped open. Gasping she jumped back as it slowly creaked open. She peered inside and saw a long tunnel leading into darkness. At that moment Raven asked herself.

Will I be brave in the darkness or cower in the light?

Knowing her decision already, Raven grabbed a candle and stepped into the tunnel.

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