I Can't Believe It's Been SO FREAKING LONG o___O

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I can't believe it!! The last time I have used this account was back when I was 2 years younger!! 

Holy CRUMMERS!!!!  O___0 

Hey Guys! I really want to say that I apologize for being absent for not even one day... But TWO FREAKING YEARS.  AHHH!!!! 

I would like to explain what I was doing in that two.. depressing years. Yes.. It was not a fun two years at all, academics took up my existence to the extent that if I didn't get an A+ on each test. I would do a lot of things that are not fun and I don't recommend anyone to do this. I was having an illness called Clinical Depression and I have dealt with it for a while. Depression really sucks and If you guys need any help with fighting the depressed feelings, I am here to help all of you. My depression got so bad, that it was extremely difficult to wake up in the morning and look forward to anything,.. My grades sunk even though I was giving my all, My teachers were always disappointed in me when I asked questions that they considered "stupid", I had to deal with fake, toxic and overall awful friendships that tore not only me and those friends but tore me apart. Even though I would drown in this, I would always swim back up to the surface, but in some moments, I just felt like drowning, even dying at one point. I did things I regret, I cut myself a lot to the point that I have scars on my thighs. I was too scared to tell anyone until recently. I do not cut anymore because I have received help and I'm back to my super happy bubbly self again!! I think one reason I was awfully scared of coming back.. is because I was scared of being judged. at my school.. When someone tells their cutting stories, they are often called an attention wh*re. And I was nervous that I would just be picked on like some other kids who admit to cutting. I never wanted to admit to anyone that I didn't want to be alive either. I was too scared of what people thought of me. So I'm going to be honest, 2 years ago, and throughout, I had depression, suicidal thoughts, cutting problems, my grandfather died from cancer. My grandfather was everything. During all of those issues.. I felt so lost. I didn't know where my true self was at all! But after time, I found it! My true self is a goofy, kind compassionate girl that likes making silly stories! Here on Wattpad!! With all of my loyal friends! No, I don't call you my fans, I call you my friends! Old and new! Because you guys were always there when no one else was! And I'm so happy that I found where I belonged. 

Anywho! I do have some news! I would like to change my account just a little bit! Don't worry! Fanfictions are still OBVIOUSLY going to be made because LIKE FANFICTIONS ARE OUR EXISTENCE! and It's how my account came to be! But I would also like to make some nonfiction work about things I went through, and fiction, about characters I made up! and obviously, I want to still create my Youtube Channel and talk to you guys, and show my face to all of you. And actually, interact with all of you! Because Ive wanted to do that for such a long time and I never got a chance to! I'm so ready! Also, I might delete some books. But dont worry!! New and improved versions of them will come out! 

I want to thank everyone who still continued to stick with me through all of this.. and I AM BACK:) for good!! NEVER GONNA GONNA GIVE YOU UP, NEVER GONNA LET YOU DOWN... 

Love you guys!

From your little dork, 

Twizzles :3 

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