When we heard the police coming the clown realized that we called the police and he/she tried to escape but connor was way faster and he grabbed him/her so he/she couldn't run away and then the police came in and arrested the clown but before they leave I asked them :"Can you please just at least take the mask off so I can know who did this to me?"
and they said:"yeah sure come here and take the mask off"
so I came closer to the clown and I took the mask off and I was shock that the clown who tried to kill me was Hannah the girl that I bullied in middle school and actually I wasn't mad at her because like I bullied her so I don't blame her and then she said:" YOU,YOU, KARA BLACK YOU RUINED MY LIFE AND YOU BULLIED ME SO BAD THAT I STARTED TO CUT MYSELF BECAUSE OF YOU.
and I said: ok listen im sorry for what happend in the past but actually you are the one who ruined your own life because you wanted to kill me and you didn't think about your life and whats gonna happend and you thought you can run away that easily? no honey you cant because there is somethimg called POLICE and they will catch you.
she was just standing there and just listening to me because she knew that I was right.
so then the police took her and actually I was happy, why you are asking? because there is now no more killer clown coming after me and tries to kill me.
and the years went by and me and connor are finally engaged and we are living a really happy and nice life.