Dear...Anon 2?? Sure, that works
Dear Anon 2,
God dammit. That's how I'm starting this. Just...god dammit. I already wrote you one note, so why am I writing another one?
Well, for a competition, but also to vent.
Here's the thing: I like one girl, that girl doesn't like me back, and then I fall for you. Her best fucking friend. Wow does the universe hate me.
Surprisingly enough, something actually happened with this crush.
Here's the reason you found out about me liking you anyways.
I, obviously, told my friends. I trusted them to me a secret. I knew they wouldn't tell anyone. And they didn't.
I had just started to become friends with G around this time, so I didn't know if I could entirely trust her. I do now though, so no offense to her.
I don't know why, but I thought it was a good idea to get your number. Yeah, I really don't know why I wanted that.
When I gave you my number, R said you were going to contact me. It was after tech class. I don't remember the exact date. I think it was a Friday. She said you were going to text over the weekend. I was anxious for the whole two days.
So that was probably the first time you heard it was me. The second time...that ties in with the wanting your phone number.
I asked G if you had a phone (I had only overheard you say not having instagram, nothing about having a phone) and she put two and two together pretty quick. I think you know what happened after that.
That date I do remember. 4/2/18. I don't why I remember that. Just that I do.
I gave you that note, and two days later you rejected me.
(I always hated using the word "rejected" for these kinds of things. It always sounds too harsh)
I sent a picture of those words that you wrote to a group chat with O and C. O was in our class - we were joined by the hip. C was one our team, but not in our class. C was supportive in her own way of this - she's violent. O, on the other hand...
Well, the only thing she responded with was something about her. She knew what it feels like to be rejected, and I always try to help her. But this...was just harsh. I never told anyone this, (besides my mother) but O doing that made me scream at a wall for 20 minutes. Just me venting. Not your fault. Nothing to do with it happening on that same Friday.
I don't see you often anymore - your in a completely different class. I think the only class we share is band. But, whatever. You don't like me. That's fine. Feelings are feelings and feelings rarely change.
Your whatever the hell I am to you,