Chpt 8: LO.S.E.R!

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Yovanna's POV:

~Next Day~

At School:

In geography class we had an assignment, we had to go in a group of 3. I went with my friend ashley and 2 boys named Havidas and Jason.

At the end of class, we went back to out seat and waited a minute for the bell to ring for 2nd period

"ring ring"

I packed up my stuff and waited for Ashley. She saw me and came out with me to gym. We went down the hall as i saw Justin with a girl, the girl turned around and saw me, she gave me a glare then laughed for probably no reason, i looked away and walked behin ashley to class.

In Gym:

I was running laps around the field.

When i was done, Ms Ricupero made us do some stretches before we played football. 

I was doing some alone until ashley came up to me "so did justin confront you about the facebook poke?" she asked as she did some stretches to "yes! he was bothering me about it in Math" i said, she laughed

At Lunch:

At Mcdonalds:

"what do you and justin talk about?" ashley asked "school....i usually re-tell him him what the teacher says" i said begining to eat my fries "oh my god! i cant believe- wha? oh my god!" she said looking behind me, "what?" i asked, she pointed behind me, i turned my body seeng Justin and that girl from the hall and from the dirty glare "whos she?" i asked turning back to her "That is Chantel, i heard their dating" she saId eating her burger,  sighed quietly, my heart kind of dropped because i liked Justin, i mean he didnt even mention her to me either, why would he hide that? "for how long?" i asked "they've been on and off for a couple, the longest was 2 months, Justin cant stand her, she talks to much crap about his friends that are girl" ashley said "who knows, she probably talks about you" she said "oh" i said

Justin's POV:

I was with Chantel at mcdonalds, we were in line about to order our lunch. Chantel wrapped her arms around my neck "baby can we-" she said stopping "what happened? what? what?" i asked "thats the, her, the new girl" she said, i turned to see Yovanna sitting with her friend "oh yeah" i said "she's really..." she said thinking about it "pretty." she said "yeaah" i said, with a smile, chantel looked at me "buut, shes a loser" she said with a laugh "yo, chantel, you barely even know the girl" i said "yeah, but come on, 1 friend" she said with another laugh, i removed my arms from around her waist "have you even talked to her, i mean she seems like a cool funny girl" i said, Chantel drew back a bit "are you- are you defending her??" she asked with anger in her eyes "no, chantel, c'mon, im just saying because she is" i said, she raised her eyesbrown and turned around as she crossed her ams.

I wrapped my arms around her from behind "im sorry" i said, she smiled "okaay, i forgive you" she said as she kissed me cheek

In Math:

Yovanna's POV:

I was sitting down beside justin, he didnt speak to all. It was weird. he gave me one glance and a smile. Maybe in art he'll talk to me.

In art:

it was getting really...awkwars between me and justin, i mean he hasnt said one word to me, so i just came out with it "so you have a girlfriend?" i asked painting, he looked at me "yeah, her names chantel" he said "yeah, i saw her, shes really pretty" i said with a smiled, he smiled "yeah, i know" he said unhappy "whats wrong, you dont seem so happy and i mean you've been silent since math and havent said a word to me? what did i do?" i asked "and why didnt you tell me about chantel?" i asked with so much questions spilling out of  my mouth "well, i didnt tell you because you didnt ask, and you did nothing wrong" he said, i nodded in understandment "then why wont you talk to me?" i asked "because i thought you told chantel we hung out, and i guess i wanted to be careful with what i do and say" he said, "she knows we hung out?" i asked, scared, he nodded "what did she do?" i asked. He kept quiet

"Justin, whats up? was she mad?" i asked, he nodded "yeah, she asked me questions" he said "oh, im sorry, i didnt mean for that to happened, and if i knew you had a girlfriend, i wouldnt have hung out-" "its ok, i mean its all good now" he said with a smile "ok, sorry..again" i said

I could tell their was something he was hiding because he couldnt look me in the eyes until he was done speaking. 

"Justin, is their something your not telling me?" i asked "what, thats all their is" he said "justin?" i asked "that it yovanna, i swear" he laughed, i smiled "no it isnt, cmon tell me" i said, he sighed "she doesnt really like you" he said, i frowned "why?" i asked "because..we hung out" he said "but she cant judge me, she barely knows me" i said "thats what i said" he said "oh boy" i said "its ok, she wont bother you" he said, i smiled a little and went back to work



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