A Death Wish for Me has been Signed

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Please leave comments on what you think and tell me if i should continue. Thanks for reading ^-^.

 It was a week until my twenty first birthday. The entire pack was excited and at the same time anxious. The day of my birthday I could challenge my so called father for the title Alpha for the Silver Lack Wolf Pack. I had waited for this for so long. My “father” wasn’t a leader, to put it in plainest forms. He was a dictator, a tyrant,   and a tormentor. He was abusive to others and the power he did have. My mother left when I was six and that’s when it all sped up. Things became worst then they had already been, and in his eyes we were the ones to blame. After I turned twelve I tried my best to start helping the pack more, and the only way I found that was successful was to distract the Alpha’s anger from them to me. I took the pounding if anything happened in the pack or just when ever. Before he could ever get to or lay a hand on another pack member I would distract him in almost any way possible. It came with its consequences but I was fine as long as the pack was safe. They tried to convince me that it was not necessary but I refused them saying it was not right for them to go through it. They took me in with open arms behind my father’s back and raised me. Through it all I gained only one friend brave enough to stand by my side no matter what, Erik. He was around my age, tall, muscular, had mud brown hair and bright green eyes. I planned for him to be my Beta once I became Alpha.

 I had been training for the day when I would challenge my father since I was twelve. The pack and Erik helped with that in every way possible. We are a large and strong pack with a very good army. Training was strict, detailed, and brutal especially for me because I asked for it so I could be ready for anything. By the time I turned eighteen, I a force to be reckoned with and more. I never let the Alpha know of my fighting abilities from uncertainty of what he would do and I had to let him keep thinking I was weak until the challenge so that I would have some advantage over him. His wolf was bigger than mine by some significance. His wolf’s temper was worse than his while in control than when in human form. The day would be long but I was ready. I knew how that morning would plan out and hopefully the pack would have a new Alpha by sunset and in celebration.

For the time being though we were still under Alpha James’s rule so we acted like it. Currently I was walking through the house that was called “mine” and “my” father’s. The pack’s house was a mile or so away. I was slowly walking when I heard voices coming from the library/study. I listened in often so I silently crept toward the closed door. My hearing was beyond perfect so I could hear everything.

Alpha- “This needs to be done can I count on you and your men to do it?”

Stranger- “The fact that you doubt me old friend hurts but yes it will be done.”

Alpha- “The ungrateful child will challenge me next Thursday. After I give a good beating you attack and kill. If by some change I am close to losing do it before I fall. I must remain Alpha. No exceptions.”

Stranger- “I know. Who though will succeed you after the child is dead?”

Alpha- “That is for me to know and everyone else to wait upon to find out.”

I felt the power in the stranger’s voice and had no doubt that he was and Alpha, which one I did not know though. I knew every Alpha in the U.S., Canada, and Mexico but only by face. The horror and anger though were far beyond my face and already to my core now as I tried to get as much space away from me and that study.

 As I was running I saw Erik approaching and didn’t bother stopping as I run past him yelling for him to follow. He tried asking what was wrong through our mind link but I kept running. It was that way for a while before I stopped. We were in the middle of the forest. There was a fallen tree, that Erik was now sitting on trying to catch his breath. My chest heaved up and down but I did not sit, instead I started pacing. Erik raised his head a bit, “That was a lovely hi, and hello how are you? How has your day been? Fine until those triathlons that we just ran. Thanks for asking though. Besides you know I can’t run as fast as you Ryan. What’s the hurry anyway? You can’t run your way to next Thursday.”  I shook my head, “That’s not what I was trying to do Erik.” Erik had finally caught his breath a stood up raising his hands and shoulders, “Then what’s the matter? I know for a fact that wasn’t a run for fun.” I shook my head again, “Erik he wants me killed.” Erik quickly froze, “Excuse me. What did you just say?”  I nodded, “Yeah, I was at the house and I overheard the Alpha talking with someone, who I am guessing was another Alpha, and they were talking about getting rid of me during the challenge.” Erik raised his eyebrows, “Ryan did you really hear yourself? You said during the challenge. That’s nearly impossible and immediately claims the one in the best shape winner. Not even a brave or sensible wolf would dare interfere with a challenge like that for fear of being killed by one or both of the opponents then or later on. ” I pointed at him, “You said nearly though.” He looked down, “I know. I just don’t want to be wrong if it does somehow happen.”  I chuckled, “Always needing to be right. Knowing the Alpha though it will happen though.” Erik nodded in agreement, “You need to be on your watch from now on.” I nodded in agreement as we started walking out of the forest but before we cleared it I stopped him, “Tell on one. The pack doesn’t need to worry if anything is going to happen. All that matters is the Alpha James is taken out of leadership.” Erik gawked at me, “Your life has official been threatened and your still worried about the pack?” I nodded, “They are my only priority. The pack is all I have, I have to keep them save especially since none of the other packs around us are too scared to take him out of power.” Erik slowly nodded as we finally cleared the tree line and walked to town.

In town we were greeted by members of the pack and people who had no idea what we truly are. They could all tell I was important though. We went to the ice cream parlor owned by Mrs. Annie, a very close pack member to both of us because she was Erik’s mother. We walked in and she was there behind the register. She looked up and smiled at us, “Erik, Ryan the usual?” We smiled and nodded as she scooped up mint chocolate chip ice cream for Erik in a waffle cone and rocky road for me in a cup. We sat and ate our ice cream when Mr. David, Erik’s dad, walked out from the back of the shop and saw us eating ice cream, “Ryan you shouldn’t be eating ice cream you should be training for next Thursday.” Mrs. Annie slapped his chest and he flinched a bit as she turned back to us, “Let them eat. I know Ryan is perfectly ready.” I bowed my head once, “Thank you. I feel confident about next week but a little more training could never hurt.”  Mr. David gave a sharp nod, “Good so I can expect to see you in the back yard later tonight with the rest of my boys right?” I nodded as I pulled the spoon from the last bite of ice cream out of my mouth, “Yes sir.” As we were getting up to leave Mrs. Annie called out, “Ryan while at it why not just stay the night. I am cooking your favorite tomorrow morning.” I smiled and nodded, “As long as you want me over there I will stay as long as I can Mrs. Annie.” She nodded and went back to work as Erik threw a, “See you later”, over his shoulder as we walked out into the over crowded streets.

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