Reboot or no reboot

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Okay, Vote time do you guys want a reboot of this if so comment yes. I personally think I need to reboot this, but I want your guy's opinion. I honestly have a lot of stuff I haven't published I've built up tons of stories, so I wouldn't struggle to try to come up with an idea for a story. I have to make an upload schedule. I also live in South Carolina and they put a state of emergency where I had to evacuate to my Grandparents in Florida. I just have a lot of stuff on my plate, but this book was my favorite one, I've ever done, that's why I want to do a reboot and the fact I looked back at The Date And Corruption and honestly I couldn't tell what was the narration's and what was the Thoughts of the character. So if you guys want a reboot of this series, just let me know in the comments. I'll keep this version up there will just be a new version. Well, I got to get back to work on The Rose of Glass, See ya ✌

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