There once was a magical land full of earth ponies, pegasus with wings, and unicorns all over a land of Equestra. There were two unicorns who owned the land. Together they created peace for all equestra by using their unicorn powers. The oldest used hers to raise the sun to begin the day. The younger unicorn raised the moon to begin the night. But soon the young sister betrayed and became jealous ofthwe older sister. The younger sister did not let the older sister raise the sun no matter what. The older sister tried to beg the younger sister for the ponies not to suffer and the younger sister became the most meanest pony, Nightmare Moon. The ponies couldn't believe the moon was still out and not the sun. Until the eldest sister made the most powerful magic ever THE ELEMENTS OF HARMONY! She used the elements to defeat her sister and she erased her permanently in the moon...
The older sister was responsible to raise the sun and moon.
My Little Pony:The Two Sisters Part 1
Short StoryThis is a very short book this is about the first episode of my little pony friendship is magic.If you don't have the hub I am going to try to make as many episodes as I can.I hope this is interesting it's my first time writing a book so....enjoy!