1st Chapter: Bieber is stupid!

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I've always hated Justin Bieber. I don't like his music and the stupid things he does, and I can't understand why he still has fans.

My name is Tamara, I'm 14 and yes: I'm kind of a Justin Bieber hater.

My little sister, Emily, totally loves him and has thousands of posters in her room.

She always says she's got "Bieber Fever", which is ridiculous.

One day, I came back from school. It was a hot day and the teachers decided to give us much homework- those assholes!

"Bye", I said to my friend, Charlotte, who always goes home with me.

"Bye", she said.

"Have a nice day, Tamara."

"I won't", I sighed.

Charlotte still waved to me while I rang the doorbell.

Mum opened.

I saw something wasn't normal because Emily ran through the whole house and screamed:


Okay, that obviously has something to do with JB or she wouldn't scream like that. Maybe he followed her on Twitter or something like that.

"TAMARA!!!", Emily now screamed and hugged me which almost killed me.


"I can think of something", I answered.

"NO, LET ME TELL YOU!", she cried.


I knew it.

"Well, Emily, you've got the tickets, but somebody has to go with you. It's much too dangerous alone", Mum said.

"And Dad and me will be busy."

As soon as Emily heard this, she shut up.

Then she slowly found words again.

"But...but...it...is my dream..."

"You'll go there", Mum explained.

"But with your sister. Tamara! You will accompany Emily to her Justin Bieber concert. Get ready for that, it's next month."

I was really shocked.

"What?! I'm not a fan of Justin Bieber!"

Nice way to say it. I hate him, as you probably can remember.

"Tamara! I need you!", Emily reminded me.

"And if you decide not to go there with me, I'll listen to JB's songs 24/7, with maximal sound volume. And he will be the only thing I'm talking of."

"Isn't it like that already?", I asked.

"But, okay, I'll go with you before you kill me."

I only said that because I'm a good sister.

Emily should be grateful forever! Now I'll be a victim of stupid songs, two hours or more! Isn't that cruel?

Time went by, and Emily reminded me of the concert every single day so I always exactly knew how many days until the concert.

Then, the day was.

Mum drove us to the concert and we went into the great, great hall and took our seats.

Bieber wasn't there yet.

Most of the fans were already there and Emily was really nervous.

"I'll see him life in one minute or less", she said slowly, and I saw something like a tear on her cheek.

We had good seats, there were only five rows or something before us.

Emily started a conversation with the Bieber fan next to her, but I ignored the girl next to ME.

Suddenly, lights turned on and- Justin Bieber went on stage.

Of course everyone jumped up and screamed the lung out of the body, just I stayed sitting and couldn't see anything but bodies of screaming girls.

Maybe it's better like that.

I should have brought a book with me.

"As long as you love me, we could be starving, we could be homeless, we could be broken, as long as you love me, I'll be your platinum, I'll be your silver, I'll be your gold."

That's what I heard from Justin Bieber's singing.

"If you know the text- sing along!", he said and everyone screamed.

I looked at Emily. She was really freaked out. I stand up just to see what that stupid young man on the stage was doing.

Why doesn't one ever get the idea of climbing the seats?!

I got it and went on it so that I could see Bieber.

He was singing, but suddenly he stopped...

And then, something shocking happened.


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2014 ⏰

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