eEeeEEE— soRRy foR suCH laTe dooDLeS yoU gUYs— :"3 ( Steff and Jamie ❤️💖💙❤️💖💙 )
Drawings with:
Steffoni 💙
CommieZilla ❤️Hugs~ 💙❤️💖✨
Steffoni 💙💙💙
CommieZilla ❤️❤️❤️Ew :"3
Fluffy Ears ❤️💖💙✨
Ugh I'm sorry I'm not making any "proper" doodles you guys :"3
You're Guys Drawings so beautiful and mine are so Trash T^T 💔✨
I'll t r y and make proper ones ❤️💖💙✨
( I want to burn all the schools down— )