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" Get out of my life!"

I slammed the door in my soon to be ex-stepfathers face. " Your not part if my family anymore, you don't deserve my attention!"

"Careful Juliana," he said through the door, " Your mothers not home to defend you." I could hear his smirk through the Wall. I didn't answer and waited until I heard his footsteps clump down the stairs before breathing a sigh of relief and plopping onto my queen sized bed. My step father, Steve had been acting strange around me ever since my mom put up a file for divorce. I guess she loved his sleazy blonde ass enough to let him stay here while he looked for apartments. I stroked my plain white comforter and looked around. My large room was pretty plain. Well plain compared to the rest of my house. It was a very pale lavender with two huge windows and A large closet That held my numerous bunches of guilt shopping spree clothing. We're not rich, we're comfortable as my mom likes to say. But life in suburbia has gotten boring apparently so we're moving to California. Apparently it's for cultural reasons but I think it's to get away from Steve. God what I would give to have him out of our life for good.


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2014 ⏰

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