This isnt a book...

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It's hard to explain how I feel, it's hard to put into words. The only way I know how to put it is that it feels like there's a hole in my chest, in my gut, but almost like it's too full and there's no room to breathe. Sometimes I feel like I need to cry at the same time it feels like I need to bang my head against a wall. This feeling is of the uttermost annoying, the uttermost unbearable. Why do I feel this way. Why is this so hard to explain, why do I feel so empty, yet too full. Is there something wrong with me? Why doesn't anybody else feel this way? I haven't lost anyone, just myself. And I'm not anyone.

I inhale hard on the only thing that makes me feel numb and real at the same time. *Crack, crack, bubble* the sound so pleasing to my ears as I inhale the toxic smoke and suck in through my nose. What a pleasant burn, what a pleasant pain. My mom knocks on my door and I quickly push the toxic stick into my pillow. I maybe 19, an adult, and I may not give a fuck what my parents think about me doing it, but still, I feel the need to hide it. My back aches at the sudden nonevent of me sitting up. This is the type of pain that's unbearable, well the physical pain that's unbearable.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 21, 2018 ⏰

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